Hope Sandoval
Hope Sandoval

Personally, I have a hard time playing live. A big part of it is because the lyrics are really private.

Hope Sandoval
Hope Sandoval

I used to just lose my temper and tell the audience to shut up.

Hope Sandoval
Hope Sandoval

When I started out playing live, it was different. I felt good about it. Nobody knew who I was. I just opened for so-and-so. Now, I'm playing to people who are coming out to see the band. There's too much attention on the band and me.

Hope Sandoval
Hope Sandoval

My sister loved country music. My mother loved Spanish music. And my dad was into big band music and jazz.

Hope Sandoval
Hope Sandoval

I had to beg to get out of my contract with Capitol. They wanted me to work with big producers. I wanted to produce my music, and they weren't having that. I'm sure they were happy to let me go. I just didn't want to do what they wanted me to do.

Hope Sandoval
Hope Sandoval

I enjoy singing with a band playing behind me.

Hope Sandoval
Hope Sandoval

I have my own studio that I sing in.

Hope Sandoval
Hope Sandoval

I've been writing about the same woman for years.

Hope Sandoval
Hope Sandoval

We're always recording music, writing songs.

Hope Sandoval
Hope Sandoval

It's a really strange thing to be doing, to go on stage and all of a sudden have bright lights and spotlights.

Hope Sandoval
Hope Sandoval

I was a massive Rolling Stones fan, and I wanted to play music like... they do... were doing.

Hope Sandoval
Hope Sandoval

It's just like anybody else - some people, most people don't wanna go to school. They just don't want to. It's... not fun. I was just somebody who got away with it.

Hope Sandoval
Hope Sandoval

I think Liv Tyler's a nice-looking girl. Seems sweet.

Hope Sandoval
Hope Sandoval

I mean, autographs are so funny. I don't think it's good to encourage that sort of thing. Why do people want to have an autograph? What does it do for you?

Hope Sandoval
Hope Sandoval

I've always thought that people got the impression that I was a tough sort of ruffian type.

Hope Sandoval
Hope Sandoval

I think people don't give young women enough credit, really.

Hope Sandoval
Hope Sandoval

I think there'll always be things that kids get into that they grow out of when they start living real life.