Henry Paulson
Henry Paulson

I believe that the root cause of every financial crisis, the root cause, is flawed government policies.

Henry Paulson
Henry Paulson

Foreclosure is to no one's benefit. I've heard estimates that mortgage investors lose 40 to 50 percent on their investment if it goes into foreclosure.

Henry Paulson
Henry Paulson

No bank should be too big or too complex to fail, but almost any bank is too big to liquidate quickly, particularly in the midst of a crisis.

Henry Paulson
Henry Paulson

I didn't get the charm gene.

Henry Paulson
Henry Paulson

Complexity and interconnectedness matter as much as size in assessing risk in banking.

Henry Paulson
Henry Paulson

As I talk with the Chinese on currency, I encourage them to move much more quickly with opening up their capital markets to competition, because I don't believe the world is going to give them as much time as they would like.

Henry Paulson
Henry Paulson

I can't help but think what would have happened if a divisive character such as Trump were president during the 2008 financial crisis, at a time when leadership, compromise, and careful analysis were critical.

Henry Paulson
Henry Paulson

I grew up on a working farm. It was small, a hundred acres, but we had cows and pigs and chickens and sheep and a vegetable garden. I spent hours pulling weeds, hoeing, feeding the horses, cleaning out the stalls. My dad was a tough taskmaster. I always worked, but we also had fun.

Henry Paulson
Henry Paulson

Indian-Americans are physicians, engineers, CEOs, professors, teachers, entrepreneurs. They are a vital part of the United States' economic and social fabric. Because of this long history, the bonds among our people and our cultures will remain strong.

Henry Paulson
Henry Paulson

I never once considered that it was appropriate to put taxpayer money on the line in resolving Lehman Brothers.

Henry Paulson
Henry Paulson

In pursuing economic growth, India and the United States share similar values and similar challenges. We understand that the global economy is here to stay. To keep growing and leading the world in innovation and opportunity, the United States and India must trade freely, openly, and according to the principles of the global marketplace.

Henry Paulson
Henry Paulson

The idea of being Treasury secretary in the abstract appealed to me, but my initial inclination was that it wasn't right for me to take that step.

Henry Paulson
Henry Paulson

Let's not forget, what TARP did allowed us to move overnight and put capital into hundreds of banks, and that money came back plus $32 billion.

Henry Paulson
Henry Paulson

China needs a currency that reflects underlying economic fundamentals.

Henry Paulson
Henry Paulson

When it comes to the presidency, I will not vote for Donald Trump.

Henry Paulson
Henry Paulson

It's hard to punish and save the banks at the same time.

Henry Paulson
Henry Paulson

I hate good press, and I abhor bad press.

Henry Paulson
Henry Paulson

All of us would like to have our children and their grandchildren grow up with at least the level of prosperity that we had. In the U.S., we seem to be very selfish because the older generation is not making the sacrifices.

Henry Paulson
Henry Paulson

Too often, we restrict trade that would create U.S. jobs and is in our national interest.

Henry Paulson
Henry Paulson

What I've said repeatedly is, 'I think the auto industry is a very important industry.'