Hedi Slimane
Hedi Slimane

Men are not supposed to be mysterious. That's what you say about women. But I think men can have a little of it, too.

Hedi Slimane
Hedi Slimane

I thought I should work more on the idea that you wear a suit or a jacket because of the fun it can provide, because it's a game, because it might even have a sexual quality.

Hedi Slimane
Hedi Slimane

I like the ritual, the liturgy of a well-crafted, emotional fashion show. I will never be jaded with this side of fashion. The catwalk is pure anthropology, something like an esoteric encrypted parade. It can totally be replaced but it will be missed.

Hedi Slimane
Hedi Slimane

I have a great admiration and tenderness for Azzedine Alaia. I haven't seen him in a while, but I guess he must be still sewing some dresses at night.

Hedi Slimane
Hedi Slimane

I only like luxury fashion. You have to decide where you stand. I like well-made, authentic clothes, well-crafted tailoring. I also like the dream and fantasy of luxury, the exception and rarity of it. I have no interest at all in fast retail. It is ambiguous.

Hedi Slimane
Hedi Slimane

In the future, fast-fashion retailers might change their philosophy toward real efforts to create a world of their own. One can only hope.

Hedi Slimane
Hedi Slimane

Haute couture is a legitimate subject for Yves Saint Laurent and could resume one day.

Hedi Slimane
Hedi Slimane

Since I was a child, my whole life has revolved around music. It's often while listening to a song that ideas for my fashion collections formed.