H. R. McMaster
H. R. McMaster

War is, in fact, an extension of politics, and in any war, military operations have to be conducted in such a way that they contribute to sustainable political outcomes consistent with vital interests that are at stake in that war.

H. R. McMaster
H. R. McMaster

When we came to Iraq, we didn't understand the complexity - what it meant for a society to live under a brutal dictatorship with ethnic and sectarian divisions. When we first got here, we made a lot of mistakes. We were like a blind man, trying to do the right thing but breaking a lot of things.

H. R. McMaster
H. R. McMaster

Consequences of linear thinking in Afghanistan and Iraq included overestimating indigenous forces' capabilities, underestimating the enemy, and the associated expectation that the coalition could soon reduce force levels and shift to an exclusively advisory effort.

H. R. McMaster
H. R. McMaster

It is in their inherent moral components that recent Western strategies may be deficient. What percentage of the populations in countries engaged in the 14-year effort in Afghanistan could even name the three main Taliban groups with whom their soldiers have been engaged?

H. R. McMaster
H. R. McMaster

Every time you treat an Iraqi disrespectfully, you are working for the enemy.

H. R. McMaster
H. R. McMaster

It's astounding the degree to which these communities are intermarried. Iraq is a crazy quilt of ethnicities and religious sects.

H. R. McMaster
H. R. McMaster

We're so enamored of technological advancements that we fail to think about how to best apply those technologies to what we're trying to achieve. This can mask some very important continuities in the nature of war and their implications for our responsibilities as officers.

H. R. McMaster
H. R. McMaster

We confuse activity with progress, and that's always dangerous, especially in war.

H. R. McMaster
H. R. McMaster

Some people have a misunderstanding about the Army. Some people think, 'Hey, you're in the military, and everything is super-hierarchical, and you're in an environment that is intolerable of criticism, and people don't want frank assessments.' I think the opposite is the case.

H. R. McMaster
H. R. McMaster

Lyndon Johnson was a profoundly insecure man who feared dissent and craved reassurance. In 1964 and 1965, Johnson's principal goals were to win the presidency in his own right and to pass his Great Society legislation through Congress.

H. R. McMaster
H. R. McMaster

Bombing, particularly from the perspective of the receiving end, is not 'communication.' Bombs result in death and destruction.

H. R. McMaster
H. R. McMaster

My personal experience in Ninawa Province has been that, at the most fundamental level, people don't really care if it's a Shiite, a Sunni, a Kurd, or a Turkoman that's providing them security as long as that force treats them with respect.

H. R. McMaster
H. R. McMaster

Much of the conventional wisdom associated with Vietnam was highly inaccurate. Far from an inevitable result of the imperative to contain communism, the war was only made possible through lies and deceptions aimed at the American public, Congress, and members of Lyndon Johnson's own administration.

H. R. McMaster
H. R. McMaster

What we have found is that we were the principal mediators in many cases between the Iraqis and their own security forces and their own government, and so you have to almost embrace that role.

H. R. McMaster
H. R. McMaster

The important thing to remember is war does not progress linearly. The future course of events is going to be very difficult to predict with a high degree of precision.

H. R. McMaster
H. R. McMaster

Muslims who commit terrorist acts are perverting their religion.