Adam Grant
Adam Grant

When medical students focus on helping others, they're able to weather the slings and arrows of long hours and devastating health outcomes: they know their colleagues and patients are depending on them.

Amy Klobuchar
Amy Klobuchar

Women politicians tend to lead by being accountable for results. We focus on goals and outcomes. You can't get by on just swagger.

Amy Morin
Amy Morin

It can be easy to get swept up into catastrophizing the situation once your thoughts become negative. When you begin predicting doom and gloom, remind yourself that there are many other potential outcomes.

Andreas Schleicher
Andreas Schleicher

You can spend a lot of money on education, but if you don't spend it wisely, on improving the quality of instruction, you won't get higher student outcomes.

Andrew Forrest
Andrew Forrest

The most generous part of your philanthropy could be the time you put in to procure the same results and same outcomes and same returns you demand in business.

Andrew Ng
Andrew Ng

There are some outcomes in finance we don't want, and government should regulate that.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

If we focus our economy on improving human outcomes instead of just a topline GDP that is increasingly going to fewer and fewer people, we can see what Americans can do when they're free to unleash their true potential.

Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel

Having led many negotiations with countries outside the E.U. in the past, we would never enter the same compromises and reach the same good outcomes with states that don't shoulder the responsibilities and costs of the common market.

Chesa Boudin
Chesa Boudin

My mother negotiated a plea deal, and my father went to trial. I think one thing we notice in their case that kind of stands out is how, in some ways, arbitrary the outcomes in the criminal justice system can be. And they did basically the same thing, identical thing.

Chesley Sullenberger
Chesley Sullenberger

Pilots learn to use human skills to communicate information and make decisions collectively, which creates a shared sense of responsibility among the team for better outcomes.