Gretchen Carlson
Gretchen Carlson

I have strived to empower women and girls throughout my entire career.

Gretchen Carlson
Gretchen Carlson

I am extremely proud of my accomplishments at 'Fox News' and for keeping our loyal viewers engaged and informed on events and news topics of the day.

Gretchen Carlson
Gretchen Carlson

A lot of people who have come up to me at restaurants - men - and have said, 'I want to shake your hand, because I have daughters'.

Gretchen Carlson
Gretchen Carlson

It's so unbelievable that in 2017, almost every single woman has a story about sexual harassment.

Gretchen Carlson
Gretchen Carlson

I never expected to be the face of sexual harassment. But I never give up on anything. So when placed in a new, challenging situation, it's like, 'I'm going to give this 110% because that's what I've done my entire life.'

Gretchen Carlson
Gretchen Carlson

My parents raised me with a never-give-up attitude, telling me I could be anything I wanted to be. I was a serious violinist and a valedictorian of my high school class. I knew all about hard work.

Gretchen Carlson
Gretchen Carlson

Let's teach our girls and boys how to show the same respect to their colleagues in the workplace they show their moms and sisters at home.

Gretchen Carlson
Gretchen Carlson

The assault weapon ban in this country should be reinstated.

Gretchen Carlson
Gretchen Carlson

I've reinvented myself many times in my life. I thought I'd become a concert violinist but burned out at 17. I thought I'd go to law school but became Miss America.

Gretchen Carlson
Gretchen Carlson

One of the most important things to do is to raise our kids in a respectful way with both genders.

Gretchen Carlson
Gretchen Carlson

In our society, people look at women who are tenacious, smart, attractive, and talented and for whatever reason say, 'There must be something wrong with that equation. She couldn't possibly be all of those things at once.'

Gretchen Carlson
Gretchen Carlson

A lot of stories that aren't true get out into the mainstream, and it's hard to correct that. People want to hear what they already believe.

Gretchen Carlson
Gretchen Carlson

I do think we need to find common ground on some of these major issues facing our nation.

Gretchen Carlson
Gretchen Carlson

We need a woman in the White House right now. I really think that women want to work together.

Gretchen Carlson
Gretchen Carlson

During the time I was Miss America, I had come to New York City because I had decided I wanted to try to get into television.

Gretchen Carlson
Gretchen Carlson

I actually always say that I have a son and a daughter, but I work more for my son, because I want him to respect women when he gets into the real world like he respects his mom right now.

Gretchen Carlson
Gretchen Carlson

Even though we have laws against it and HR departments to handle it, a woman - especially if she is young and just starting out - can never be sure that reporting harassment won't hurt her career.

Gretchen Carlson
Gretchen Carlson

I cling to the hope that with more and more women in the workplace, we can teach younger generations to be respectful and also encourage young women to speak up when they've experienced abuse.

Gretchen Carlson
Gretchen Carlson

After I won Miss America, I called my dad, who had four kids in college, to say he no longer had to pay for Stanford.

Gretchen Carlson
Gretchen Carlson

The political scenario has gotten so divisive - not only in Washington, D.C., but across the country, too.