Gina Haspel
Gina Haspel

As I look back on my first year as Director, I am more in awe of the men and women at CIA than ever before.

Gina Haspel
Gina Haspel

For me, as for our entire Agency family, the 129 stars on CIA's Memorial Wall are more than just symbols. They are solemn reminders of friends and colleagues who answered their nation's call, and who willingly risked their lives to protect us all.

Gina Haspel
Gina Haspel

We want our men and women to be closely attuned to the cultures in which they operate and to speak the local language.

Gina Haspel
Gina Haspel

A lot has changed since I first arrived at CIA, but our mission remains as relevant and important as ever. And this is what makes our officers excited to come to work each morning, including me.

Gina Haspel
Gina Haspel

After years of failure, I do think that President Trump has shown a lot of wisdom in reaching out his hand to the North Korean leader and to suggest to them that there might be a different future for the North Korean people.

Gina Haspel
Gina Haspel

I was on the front lines in the Cold War, and I was on the front lines in the fight against Al Qaeda.

Gina Haspel
Gina Haspel

We got valuable information from debriefing of Al Qaeda detainees, and I don't think it's knowable whether interrogation techniques played a role in that.

Gina Haspel
Gina Haspel

I wrote a letter to the CIA on my manual college typewriter. I mailed it to CIA with my resume. I didn't have an address. So I just put, 'CIA. Washington, D.C.'

Gina Haspel
Gina Haspel

We try and be as open as we can, and to protect the secrets that we must protect.

Gina Haspel
Gina Haspel

Just to talk a moment about transparency, of course CIA does have a Twitter account.

Gina Haspel
Gina Haspel

The change from being undercover to coming out into the open was a bit of an adjustment.

Gina Haspel
Gina Haspel

Intelligence services all over the world, in order to retain their competitive edge, have to adapt or they won't survive.

Gina Haspel
Gina Haspel

CIA has been treated with enormous respect and our expertise is valued for what we bring to the table.

Gina Haspel
Gina Haspel

I think it's very important, I think for any leader as you go through a career you have to learn the leadership lessons.

Gina Haspel
Gina Haspel

I'm very proud of the fact that we captured the perpetrator of 9/11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. I think we did extraordinary work.

Gina Haspel
Gina Haspel

I support the higher moral standard that this country has decided to hold itself to.

Gina Haspel
Gina Haspel

First of all, CIA follows the law.

Gina Haspel
Gina Haspel

I joined the CIA in 1985 as an operations officer in the Clandestine Service.

Gina Haspel
Gina Haspel

I recall my first foreign agent meeting was on a dark, moonless night with an agent I'd never met before. When I picked him up, he passed me the intelligence and I passed him extra money for the men he led. It was the beginning of an adventure I had only dreamed of.

Gina Haspel
Gina Haspel

I was proud to be the first woman to serve as the No. 2 in the Clandestine Service. It is not my way to trumpet the fact that I am a woman up for the top job, but I would be remiss in not remarking on it - not least because of the outpouring of support from young women at CIA who consider it a good sign for their own prospects.