Gary Larson
Gary Larson

I didn't want to go to school for more than four years, and I didn't know what you did with a bachelor's in biology. So I switched over and got my degree in communications. I regret it now. It was one of the most idiotic things I ever did.

Gary Larson
Gary Larson

I don't think I'd know if I were sitting next to Charles Schulz on an airplane.

Gary Larson
Gary Larson

I'm not into cartoons. That's the irony of it.

Gary Larson
Gary Larson

I just get silly inside my head and I start to think about something and in my head I start twisting it around, contorting it and envisioning it in different ways.

Gary Larson
Gary Larson

I never sat down and said, you know, what the world needs is a good, sick cartoonist.

Gary Larson
Gary Larson

Sometimes I'm convinced that one day I'm going to draw the cartoon that offends everyone, and that'll be the end.

Gary Larson
Gary Larson

You can get away with a lot as long as it has a silly edge to it.

Gary Larson
Gary Larson

The message is not so much that the worms will inherit the Earth, but that all things play a role in nature, even the lowly worm.

Gary Larson
Gary Larson

People get very passionate about saving the whale, but when something like a Florida indigo snake is endangered there are not a lot of people out there holding up placards.

Gary Larson
Gary Larson

Morbid humor is very valid, even healthy, as long as you don't do it gratuitously.

Gary Larson
Gary Larson

Don Martin was the one who really stood out. I really always loved his work. He was such a great artist.

Gary Larson
Gary Larson

I've always considered music stores to be the graveyards of musicians.

Gary Larson
Gary Larson

People try to look for deep meanings in my work. I want to say, 'They're just cartoons, folks. You laugh or you don't.' Gee, I sound shallow. But I don't react to current events or other stimuli. I don't read or watch TV to get ideas. My work is basically sitting down at the drawing table and getting silly.

Gary Larson
Gary Larson

I didn't feel that my identity was caught up in being a cartoonist, and that if it stopped I'd stop.

Gary Larson
Gary Larson

I think I'm maintaining the quality, but internally I'm paying for it.

Gary Larson
Gary Larson

On Career Day in high school, you don't walk around looking for the cartoon guy.

Gary Larson
Gary Larson

I love parasites! I can't get enough of them.

Gary Larson
Gary Larson

Taking a solo on a tune is always a little bit scary.

Gary Larson
Gary Larson

I didn't realize I was working in a family medium.

Gary Larson
Gary Larson

My first month in syndication, I made about $100. I thought it would be exciting if I ever got up to the level where I could pay my rent.