Elizabeth Esty
Elizabeth Esty

If you don't like public service, don't run for office.

Elizabeth Esty
Elizabeth Esty

We are a great enough country to respect the Second Amendment rights of lawful gun owners and protect our children. And those things don't need to be in conflict.

Elizabeth Esty
Elizabeth Esty

Hillary Clinton has spent those decades before her time in public office and since her time in public office advocating for common sense measures to fight gun violence.

Elizabeth Esty
Elizabeth Esty

Workers' rights are under attack across the country.

Elizabeth Esty
Elizabeth Esty

Those who know me would say I'm a passionate and hard-working mom and a community leader who knows how to get things done.

Elizabeth Esty
Elizabeth Esty

You have to believe in something strongly enough that you would lose your seat over it.

Elizabeth Esty
Elizabeth Esty

There's been an enormous awakening, and I think recognition that the mass shootings we saw in Sandy Hook and other places are very related to the shootings we see every day in our cities.

Elizabeth Esty
Elizabeth Esty

We need more access to quality health care, not less.

Elizabeth Esty
Elizabeth Esty

We need to stop trying to restrict access to lifesaving cancer screenings, birth control, and well-woman exams.

Elizabeth Esty
Elizabeth Esty

Every week, we read about horrific tragedies resulting from children who play with firearms and accidentally shoot themselves or their family members.

Elizabeth Esty
Elizabeth Esty

E-cigarette companies are using shameful tactics, such as Joe Camel-like cartoons in advertisements and creating e-cigarette flavors like bubblegum and cotton candy, to addict our children early - and guarantee another generation of smokers.

Elizabeth Esty
Elizabeth Esty

We should not silence our nation's researchers.

Elizabeth Esty
Elizabeth Esty

We owe it to our service men and women and their families, who sacrificed so much for our country, to find out the answers they deserve and make care and treatment for them, their children, and their grandchildren a priority.

Elizabeth Esty
Elizabeth Esty

The Healthy Homes Tax Credit Act will help ensure that all families, regardless of their income, can protect their children from the lifelong health impacts of lead poisoning.

Elizabeth Esty
Elizabeth Esty

The STEM fields play an increasingly important role in the U.S. economy, but women are still underrepresented in most STEM sectors.

Elizabeth Esty
Elizabeth Esty

We need to close the tax loopholes that have awarded companies moving out of the country and overseas; we need a government that will keep our country safe from terrorists at home and abroad... and a government that is responsive to the needs of the people.

Elizabeth Esty
Elizabeth Esty

In my lifetime, I have seen how greater liberty, greater justice, and greater respect ultimately does prevail, but it prevails only when people are willing to fight for it and willing to lose for it.

Elizabeth Esty
Elizabeth Esty

It would be really easy to get discouraged over gun safety, and I have to explain all the time why I am not giving up and why people should not give up.

Elizabeth Esty
Elizabeth Esty

I would like to live long enough to see the day when people talk about which guns are the safest.

Elizabeth Esty
Elizabeth Esty

In Connecticut, we have a vibrant history of advocating to ensure our workers are treated fairly and given the rights and protections they deserve. Still, we need to do more to protect all American workers.