David Grann
David Grann

I often feel that with a crime story, the moral standards have to be higher. You're deal with real victims and with real consequences.

David Grann
David Grann

I've done a lot of stories over the years, and sometimes there are larks, and they're fun, and you kind of move on.

David Grann
David Grann

I really just choose stories that are compelling, have interesting trends and characters, and hopefully say something larger about society.

David Grann
David Grann

My night stand is more like a geological structure: a bunch of books piled on the floor with its own strata.

David Grann
David Grann

I wish a book could reach as many people as film, but we have to be realistic about it.

David Grann
David Grann

The only thing as murky as a conspiracy is what's happening in Hollywood.

David Grann
David Grann

One of the nice things about 'The New Yorker' is they let you write stories that sometimes end up almost half a book.

David Grann
David Grann

Barry Bonds was still young when his father's fall began. Although Bobby still continued to put up good numbers year after year, he never lived up to expectations.

David Grann
David Grann

Memory is a code to who we are, a collection of not just dates and facts but also of epic emotional struggles, epiphanies, transformations.

David Grann
David Grann

There are some incredibly gifted writers in the world. You can count them on a hand. They're blessed, and they've worked at their craft, but there's very few.

David Grann
David Grann

Base stealers are often considered their own breed: reckless, egocentric, even a touch mad.

David Grann
David Grann

We are a country of laws. When you take that away, the consequences are enormous.

David Grann
David Grann

The biggest difference with Twitter and writing long form is you're part of a virtual community where you know people, or think you know them, through their links.

David Grann
David Grann

Honestly, I had no idea what to do on Twitter when I started. I didn't follow it enough. Slowly, though, I started to realize what I'm okay at. Like, I'm just not particularly witty.

David Grann
David Grann

I'm kind of odd; I'm a technophobe who isn't a technophobe. I'm afraid of new things, but eventually I love them. That happened with Twitter.

David Grann
David Grann

When I work on stories, I tend to be pretty obsessive.

David Grann
David Grann

It's funny: I don't know if she babysat, but I spent time with Judy Blume when I was little.

David Grann
David Grann

I grew up around writers, and there was always a romance to them. They were charming. They would tell their stories of what they were working on, over the table.

David Grann
David Grann

For a while, when I got out of college, I tried to write fiction. I'd grown up more around novelists, and my initial attraction was to write fiction. But I was much less suited for it. I always struggled to figure out what people were saying or doing in a particular moment.

David Grann
David Grann

I had many different careers early on. I knew I wanted to be a writer. But, like so many people, I didn't know how to be one - other than just do it. I didn't know what form it would take.