David Berman
David Berman

I grew up the son of a businessman. And I didn't get into music to be a businessman.

David Berman
David Berman

If critics were harder on the musicians that they love, there would be better songs. But as they grow older and they lose their talent, critics refuse to let them know that and protect them, and they get to the point where they put out music that just isn't up to the levels where they've already been.

David Berman
David Berman

It must be very strange to live in the world of Willie Nelson or Bruce Springsteen or Pearl Jam. I don't know what kind of handle they have on their own loss of talent.

David Berman
David Berman

I heard Springsteen was an unhappy person. I don't know, I haven't read his biography. But a lot of people in my field should be a lot more unhappy than they are.

David Berman
David Berman

I can't imagine putting my name on a t-shirt. For someone to wear my name? Me? It's ridiculous.

David Berman
David Berman

I don't have time for language poetry anymore. I don't want to throw people off anymore.

David Berman
David Berman

The world of commerce is a kind of a purgatory itself.

David Berman
David Berman

Yeah, once the song is written, it just complexifies the profile of it to have the music and the words at odds. It comes naturally to me. A lot of my music is like that.

David Berman
David Berman

I don't have any desire to be in a relationship with anyone else, and I do feel like I'm on the other side of my career of being a Lothario.

David Berman
David Berman

In the beginning, it was meant to be like a faceless art piece. Then I did the first record and it received enough notice to satisfy my needs. I questioned the procedure out of fear. The Silver Jews was never meant to be recreated live.

David Berman
David Berman

I bought a guitar when I was twenty. But I didn't write a song until I was 25 or 26. I never learned to play others songs. I learned to play my own songs while I was learning how to make them better.

David Berman
David Berman

I was 29 or 30 when I felt sure of what I was doing, but not fully identifying as a songwriter until I was 37.

David Berman
David Berman

Piece by piece I sent my first book of poems to American Poetry Review and was rejected one by one.

David Berman
David Berman

If I believed in fate I'd be very curious why I picked the name Silver Jews.

David Berman
David Berman

Intellectuals and creative people, once they start talking about God they get put into this other category: 'I don't go to people's music like that to understand my life.'

David Berman
David Berman

You don't meet too many actors in Nashville.

David Berman
David Berman

I have bad vision, but it's not distorted. It's low power!

David Berman
David Berman

I don't have room in my mind to think about musical equipment.

David Berman
David Berman

When art is about craftsmanship, then guys like me don't make it as artists.

David Berman
David Berman

Lyrically, country music is the most satisfying music for me.