D'Angelo Russell
D'Angelo Russell

You always can count on New York fans to be there.

D'Angelo Russell
D'Angelo Russell

When a coach tells you to shoot the ball, it's like a green light for you. You can't want that more than anything. But the catch is you got to be good enough to know that when you're not open, you gotta pass.

D'Angelo Russell
D'Angelo Russell

I liked Cleveland, they got so much heart in that arena.

D'Angelo Russell
D'Angelo Russell

I'm the weirdest alien on this planet. I don't do anything by routine.

D'Angelo Russell
D'Angelo Russell

If you save your money right, you can have what you want.

D'Angelo Russell
D'Angelo Russell

I hate talking to media. I hate it, man. You have to. But it's crazy. I thought there were only two things in this world that you had to do, and that was die and pay taxes. Now I know that you've got to talk to media. And I hate it.

D'Angelo Russell
D'Angelo Russell

I got ice in my veins!

D'Angelo Russell
D'Angelo Russell

I am comfortable with being uncomfortable.

D'Angelo Russell
D'Angelo Russell

A lot of teams - they want a point guard and I am bouncing around, why not put me in those talks and try to get me?

D'Angelo Russell
D'Angelo Russell

That's my ultimate goal, just being a part of something special.

D'Angelo Russell
D'Angelo Russell

Yeah, once you get a taste of the playoffs - I couldn't imagine not making it back to the playoffs. Give credit to LeBron and those guys who do it so many consecutive years.

D'Angelo Russell
D'Angelo Russell

When it comes to basketball you always want to put the ball in the hole. You want to get as consistent and get that muscle memory right and be consistent.

D'Angelo Russell
D'Angelo Russell

I take pride in creating genuine relationships with people that genuinely care about you.

D'Angelo Russell
D'Angelo Russell

I understand every piece of business in this league.

D'Angelo Russell
D'Angelo Russell

I'm playing against my peers, and if my peers respect me, that's all I can ask for.

D'Angelo Russell
D'Angelo Russell

If I've lost anyone's trust, I'm going to work my tail off to get it back.

D'Angelo Russell
D'Angelo Russell

Guys that get that second year under their belt, get the first year under your belt, you come back with a different swag and a different confidence, a different pace to your game. You can showcase what you've been working throughout the summer.

D'Angelo Russell
D'Angelo Russell

Every year you want to keep elevating you. And that's what I want to do.

D'Angelo Russell
D'Angelo Russell

I just really try to model my game after Steph Curry.

D'Angelo Russell
D'Angelo Russell

I did my first winter in New York and that was tough. So to get the opportunity to go somewhere where it's warm again, I think that played a major part in my plan.