Con Air
Con Air

Local cop: [over the phone] We got a problem here with a corpse.
Larkin: [over the phone, Casey and Tricia in his office] Uh-huh.
Local cop: Yeah, it fell outta the sky. I don't think he's an astronaut.
Larkin: What's this got to do with me?
Local cop: It's got your name written all

over it.

Con Air
Con Air

Larkin: [tosses a folder onto a table while in the US Marshalls office] Here's the jacket on Cameron Poe. His wife's on the way here now. A U.S. Ranger, highly decorated. Did a litte hellraising when he was a kid, but nothing serious.
Duncan Malloy: Explain to me why any of this matters.
Larkin: Fact 1: we've got a plane up there

filled with killers, rapists, and thieves and we've got this guy Cameron Poe: in on an involuntary manslaughter beef, non-gang affiliated. He's a parolee hitching a ride home. Fact 2: Poe has a chance to get off the plane, doesn't do it. Why? Fact 3: our guard Falzon said a convict named Cameron Poe planted Sims's tape recorder on him.
Larkin: These are

interesting facts. You do the math on this... and we got an ally on that plane.

Con Air
Con Air

Pinball: [in the cockpit of the plane] What's up, man. So, you Swamp Thing?
Swamp Thing: That's right.
Pinball: Flyin' the plane?
Swamp Thing: That's right.
Pinball: It's amazing the shit you white trash know.
Swamp Thing: That's right.

Con Air
Con Air

Guard Falzon: My, my. As I look around, I see a lot of celebrities among us. I see eleven Current Affairs, two Hard Copies and
[looking in Diamond Dog's cage]
Guard Falzon: a genuine Geraldo interviewee. But, I gotta tell you gentlemen, none of this impresses me. Becuase we have rules on this aircraft, and they're gonna be enforced. It's a lot like

kindergarten, you'll keep your hands to yourself, you'll keep the decibel level down, and if any of you should feel the need to scream, spit or bite, you'll get the treatment.
Con #2: [spits on Falzon's feet] Fuck you, pig.
Guard Falzon: [to the other guards] Gag and bag this Nazi muffin.
[hits the con and the other guards use tape and put a

breathable bag over his head]
Guard Falzon: See, this kinda thing puts me in a foul mood. These rules will be enforced. If there's a hint of trouble, if any of you so much as passes gas in my direction it offends my delicate nasal passages, your testicles will become my personal property.

Con Air
Con Air

[to the pilot whom he is holding at gunpoint]
Cyrus Grissom: And if you say a word about this over the radio, the next wings you see will belong to the flies buzzing over your rotting corpse!

Con Air
Con Air

Nathan 'Diamond Dog' Jones: [Holding 3 guards at gun point, singing] Swing low, sweet chariot, comin' for to carry me home...
Cameron Poe: What's going on here?
Nathan 'Diamond Dog' Jones: It's time to off the pigs.
Cameron Poe: You can't.
Nathan 'Diamond Dog' Jones: Why not?

Cameron Poe: They're hostages, we need them.
Nathan 'Diamond Dog' Jones: [Points the gun at Poe] Now why the fuck do you care?
Cameron Poe: Hey, man. I can think of anything I'd like...
[Kicks the first guard]
Cameron Poe: ...better, than to put a...
[Kicks the second guard]

Cameron Poe: ...bullet, into the brain-base here of every one of these...
[Kicks the third guard]
Cameron Poe: FUCKERS! But the fact of the matter is how well do you know this Cindino? I don't know him that well, myself. Just what I read. Like how he firebombed that Senator's yacht with 2 of his cousins on board. Now, why would think he'd sweat about

eliminating some hired guns after they have served their purpose, now think about that.
Cyrus Grissom: [while pacing back and forth on the wing of the plane] What exactly are we discussing here?
Nathan 'Diamond Dog' Jones: Poe don't want me to off the pigs.
Cyrus Grissom: [to Poe] Well, it's not difficult to surmise how Nathan

here feels about killing guards. And my own proclivities are, uh... well-known and, uh, often-lamented facts of penal lore. What I'm wonderin' is why you have any opinion about it at all.
Cameron Poe: Hey, Cyrus. It's your barbecue man, and it tastes good. But I was just explaining to Mr.
[Points to Diamond Dog]
Cameron Poe: "Dog" here that if

it was my barbecue, I would wait for that ol' jumbo jet in the sky before I start killing my only leverage.
Nathan 'Diamond Dog' Jones: Shut the fuck up.
Cameron Poe: Don't you want to get high and get laid, shit.
Nathan 'Diamond Dog' Jones: [Picks up a guard] Oh, fuck this.
Cyrus Grissom: [Seeing

Diamond Dog about to kill the guard] Put the gun down. Put the gun down, Nathan! Poe's right. We're going to plan B. We're going to get a tractor and a fuel truck, get everybody here, and we're going to dig the plane out.
[Poe winks at Diamond Dog]

Con Air
Con Air

Vince Larkin: [over the helicopter radio with Duncan] You with me or do you need me to draw it in crayon like usual?

Con Air
Con Air

Cyrus Grissom: [addressing the convicts and prison guards on the plane] Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. I have the only gun on board. Welcome to Con Air.

Con Air
Con Air

[last lines]
Garland's Craps Dealer: New shooter coming out, new shooter. Does the new shooter feel lucky? Well, does he?
Garland Greene: [before playing craps] yes he does.

Con Air
Con Air

[referring to Malloy's Corvette falling from the plane]
Vince Larkin: I know a good body shop in Fresno if it's insured.
Duncan Malloy: I was bored with that car anyway.
Vince Larkin: It worked out nicely, then.

Con Air
Con Air

Francisco Cindino: [in the cockpit of the plane] Don't they have a way of tracking these planes?
Swamp Thing: Oh, yeah. It's called a transponder. Every plane's got one, Cindino.
Nathan 'Diamond Dog' Jones: [sarcastic] Swamp, where is the transponder?
Cyrus Grissom: [looks at the empty bay] Ah! Where, indeed?

Con Air
Con Air

Johnny 23: [as he's trying to undress Guard Bishop] When you wake up, Bishop, I'll be Johnny 24.

Con Air
Con Air

[first lines]
Officer at Leaving Ceremony: Army Rangers have a proud history. Since the 1700s, Rangers have led the way in every major confrontation in which the United States has been involved. You men are a credit to that fine heritage, and I'm sorry to see you go. But you've served your country well, and you've displayed the ability to fight on to the Ranger objective

and complete its mission, never leaving behind a fallen comrade no matter what the odds or the enemy. I thank you. America thanks you. And I wish you luck wherever you go. And remember: Rangers lead the way.

Con Air
Con Air

[Baby-O calls guard Bishop to get insulin shot while on the prisoner transport bus]
Baby O: Hey, lady!
Guard Sally Bishop: Lady is a dog in a Walt Disney movie. My name is Bishop. Guard Bishop to you.
Baby O: Well, I gotta be gettin' my shot before we go gettin' on some aeroplane, Guard Bishop.
Guard Sally

Bishop: What's your name?
Baby O: O'Dell. They didn't give me my shot last night.
Guard Sally Bishop: Okay, you're diabetic? Alright, your insulin's on board. We'll give it to you in flight.

Con Air
Con Air

Baby O: [refering to Garland Greene] What's wrong with him?
Cameron Poe: My first thought would be... a lot.

Con Air
Con Air

Cyrus Grissom: We let you out, you gonna play nice, Billy?
William 'Billy Bedlam' Bedford: [smiles viciously] Probably not.

Con Air
Con Air

Cameron Poe: That gun work?
Vince Larkin: Yeah.
Cameron Poe: Then shoot that piece of shit!

Con Air
Con Air

Vince Larkin: [referring to agent Sims] He brought a gun on the plane!
Duncan Malloy: If I knew the way you guys run things I would have told him to bring a fuckin' UZI on board!

Con Air
Con Air

Cyrus Grissom: [after existing the plane from the tail] where's the plane, Francisco?
Francisco Cindino: I don't know, have patience.
Cyrus Grissom: The last guy who told me to have patience, I burned him down and bagged his ashes.

Con Air
Con Air

Baby O: [to Poe, referring to agent Sims] Not only did you not save this dude's life, you done made best friends with Cyrus the damn Virus!