Cindy Margolis
Cindy Margolis

There's no such thing as an overnight success. It took me a long to get there.

Cindy Margolis
Cindy Margolis

Infertility is this huge emotional roller coaster. If you want in your heart more than anything to have a baby, it's the hardest thing you will ever go through physically, emotionally, and financially.

Cindy Margolis
Cindy Margolis

I think in vitro is a miracle and it has given me my precious little baby boy.

Cindy Margolis
Cindy Margolis

Having inner beauty is something you develop on your own, and I like to think I have that.

Cindy Margolis
Cindy Margolis

I was really stuck in the whole Farah Fawcett hairdo long after it was past being in fashion.

Cindy Margolis
Cindy Margolis

I do have the 'girl next door' image.

Cindy Margolis
Cindy Margolis

I made my career off posing in swimsuits and doing all the swimsuit issues and posters, but I will tell you that that little bit of material on an itsy-bitsy bikini - taking that off was very nerve-racking the first time.

Cindy Margolis
Cindy Margolis

I hope every woman out there who wants to be a mother and is suffering with infertility, will explore all the options and know that if you choose the science route, it is okay.

Cindy Margolis
Cindy Margolis

You have to surround yourself with really good people and have a very thick skin.

Cindy Margolis
Cindy Margolis

The more I learn and read about the 10th Muse i realize what a great fan base and cult following she has. I'm going to try to live up to the fantastic image of the 10th Muse!

Cindy Margolis
Cindy Margolis

Being on the cover of a magazine with my son is the best thing ever. It took me 18 years to get my first cover, he gets one at 8 months.

Cindy Margolis
Cindy Margolis

I married the man of my dreams in 1998.

Cindy Margolis
Cindy Margolis

You should see me without makeup.

Cindy Margolis
Cindy Margolis

My pictures are airbrushed.

Cindy Margolis
Cindy Margolis

I think that's the great thing, ya' know, that women can do anything that they want now.

Cindy Margolis
Cindy Margolis

It just kills me when these girls look at magazines and wish they could look like that. I try to tell them, 'Nobody looks like that. Everything's airbrushed.'

Cindy Margolis
Cindy Margolis

My favorite meal is turkey and mashed potatoes. I love Thanksgiving, it's just my favorite. I can have Thanksgiving all year round.

Cindy Margolis
Cindy Margolis

When you're modeling you're actually acting for the camera and the photographer. It's more fun, too because there are no lines to memorize.

Cindy Margolis
Cindy Margolis

I've lived my life in a way that I feel would be an example to young women and I've always given my best in everything I've tried.

Cindy Margolis
Cindy Margolis

A good photographer can make you look incredible, even when you're not feeling very sexy.