Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens

To terrify children with the image of hell... to consider women an inferior creation. Is that good for the world?

Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens

Even if I accepted that Jesus - like almost every other prophet on record - was born of a virgin, I cannot think that this proves the divinity of his father or the truth of his teachings. The same would be true if I accepted that he had been resurrected.

Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens

All the time, I've felt that life is a wager and that I probably was getting more out of leading a bohemian existence as a writer than I would have if I didn't.

Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens

The amazing fact is that America is founded on a document. It's a work in progress. It can be tested by each generation.

Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens

For most of my life I let women do the driving and was happy to let them.

Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens

A good day is one where I can not just read a book, but write a review of it. Maybe today I'll be able to do that. I get for some reason somewhat stronger when the sun starts to go down. Dusk is a good time for me. I'm crepuscular.

Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens

Millions of people die every day. Everyone's got to go sometime. I've came by this particular tumor honestly. If you smoke, which I did for many years very heavily with occasional interruption, and if you use alcohol, you make yourself a candidate for it in your sixties.

Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens

The advice I've been giving to people all my life - that you may not be interested in the dialectic but the dialectic is interested in you; you can't give up politics, it won't give you up - was the advice I should have been taking myself.

Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens

Like the experience of warfare, the endurance of grave or terminal illness involves long periods of tedium and anxiety, punctuated by briefer interludes of stark terror and pain.

Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens

I used to wish there was a useful term for those of us who thought American power should be used to remove psychopathic dictators.

Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens

The term 'the American Left' is as near to being meaningless or nonsensical as any term could really be in politics. It isn't really a force in politics anymore. And it would do well to ask itself why that is.

Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens

The concept of loneliness and exile and self-sufficiency continually bucks me up.

Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens

The suicide-bombing community is not absolutely 100 percent religious, but it is pretty nearly 100 percent religious.

Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens

Henry Kissinger should have the door shut in his face by every decent person and should be shamed, ostracized and excluded.

Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens

Trust is not the same as faith. A friend is someone you trust. Putting faith in anyone is a mistake.

Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens

I'm not a sheep.

Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens

Ronald Reagan used to alarm his Soviet counterparts by saying that surely they'd both unite against an invasion from Mars.

Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens

I do not believe any of the statistical claims that are made about public opinion. I don't see why anybody does.

Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens

Well, I'll put it this way: you can certainly say belief in God makes people behave worse. That can be proved beyond a doubt.

Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens

I vote and I do jury duty.