Chris Bosh
Chris Bosh

Your favorite coach is the one who constantly yells at you.

Chris Bosh
Chris Bosh

I feel that I was chosen to do it. It's taken me all over the world and given me opportunities to take care of my family and give me experiences that I would not have had. I think about those things and what I owe to the game.

Chris Bosh
Chris Bosh

If it's about working out and playing basketball, I'm one of the best in the world to do it - at least two years ago. But I'm still in a space where I can play.

Chris Bosh
Chris Bosh

I don't do anything without measuring 10 times and cutting once.

Chris Bosh
Chris Bosh

It is a business. I know we, as athletes and owners and people involved with the NBA, never want to say that it's a business and things like that. It is a business.

Chris Bosh
Chris Bosh

I'm more mature, my game is more mature, and I can do a bunch of things on and off the court to fully maximize this team's potential.

Chris Bosh
Chris Bosh

If somebody attacks me with words, I'm always like, 'Do you know me? Do you know me that well? Let's have a beer and talk about it.'

Chris Bosh
Chris Bosh

We're all making decisions to make ourselves happy and our families happy. That doesn't take away what we've done together and the special bond that we created and the special bond that we have and just all the memories that we had together. That will never change. As you move forward, you appreciate those moments and keep going forward.

Chris Bosh
Chris Bosh

I do. I vote. People died for our right to vote, you know, and I can't let that go.

Chris Bosh
Chris Bosh

Being in the NBA, being successful, being able to win championships at the highest level in the world, there's certain core values that you have, certain things you have to follow.

Chris Bosh
Chris Bosh

I would really want to teach someone how to function without having to have plays called for you.

Chris Bosh
Chris Bosh

To be honest, I'm looking at today's game, and I put myself in that position and how I would benefit from the faster basketball, more threes, catch-and-go opportunities, attacking the paint with more space, that's what kind of gets me juiced up and riled up when I watch today's game.

Chris Bosh
Chris Bosh

I would want to work with guys that maybe aren't starters, guys that are the fourth or fifth option.

Chris Bosh
Chris Bosh

I'm always going to be around the game of basketball. I plan to keep my options open as a player moving forward, but that's not coaching. Maybe front office work, working with teams and spreading the game, maybe teaching the game to young people, that's something that's a very big passion.

Chris Bosh
Chris Bosh

That's one thing I pride myself a lot more now, playing defense, I do what the team needs me to do. If we need a stop, I'll do it. That's a major, major part of my game now.

Chris Bosh
Chris Bosh

Man, I'm just going to be myself. I shouldn't have to apologize for that. If people don't understand that, then they don't understand it. I'm not going to try to be somebody I'm not.

Chris Bosh
Chris Bosh

The NBA is the best league in the world. It's no way you're going to be able to fill the void that the energy of performing before 20,000 people every night gives you. That's just impossible. So, I just try and move on from that and let it be a moment in time and leave it alone.

Chris Bosh
Chris Bosh

I felt like I was chosen to play basketball when I was younger.

Chris Bosh
Chris Bosh

Once I close the doors, it's closed. I don't open it back up. That's kind of me as a human being. That's just one of the things about me... But yeah, for me, I don't close anything until I'm officially done.

Chris Bosh
Chris Bosh

I have millions of dollars, and I don't know finance. I've had some bad things happen in my career. I've got to educate myself. I sit down with my finance guy once a month and go over everything, line by line.