Central Intelligence
Central Intelligence

Bob Stone: You ever steal a plane before?
Calvin Joyner: I stole some Starbursts one time.

Central Intelligence
Central Intelligence

Agent Pamela Harris: Mr. Joyner, it was a pleasure working with you. If you ever want a career change, you give me a call.
Calvin Joyner: If I were to give you a call, how would I get in touch with you?
Agent Pamela Harris: Just pick up any phone in your house. They're all bugged.

Central Intelligence
Central Intelligence

Maggie: And what's the matter with being an accountant? You love your job.
Calvin Joyner: No, *you* love your job. I'm good at my job. It's not the same thing.

Central Intelligence
Central Intelligence

Phil: Nice throw, bitch.

Central Intelligence
Central Intelligence

Driver: [happens to pull up just before the shooting starts] You guys order an Uber?

Central Intelligence
Central Intelligence

[last lines]
Calvin Joyner: Bob, is that my jacket? I can't...
Bob Stone: Yes!
Calvin Joyner: No, wait a minute.
Bob Stone: Yes!
Calvin Joyner: Oh, my God! Dude, where'd you get this from?
Bob Stone: Well, I sleep in it most nights, but it's clean now,

totally good. Yeah!
Calvin Joyner: Man! You are the man! Yes!
Bob Stone: Family hug! What?
Calvin Joyner: Ooh. Okay.
Bob Stone: All right, let's go!
Calvin Joyner: Okay. All right.

Central Intelligence
Central Intelligence

Flunkie: [watching Fat Robbie dancing in the showers] You know, he's actually a pretty good dancer.

Central Intelligence
Central Intelligence

[first lines]
Trevor - 17 Years Old: Man, I told you Robbie Wheirdicht showers here during first period.