Bryan Greenberg
Bryan Greenberg

I become a better actor after I step on a stage in front of, like, 500 people when it's just me, a microphone and my guitar. You don't get as nervous walking into a room in front of 3 or 4 people and to do a scene or to walk on a set. You gain confidence.

Bryan Greenberg
Bryan Greenberg

I've got a lot of artistic energy, but there's only so much of it, though. You don't want to spread yourself thin.

Bryan Greenberg
Bryan Greenberg

I don't think of my music in terms of a career. I just want to get it out there and do it. I'm not manipulating my sound to be like anybody or trying to write to sound like anybody else.

Bryan Greenberg
Bryan Greenberg

Seriously, my music really does help my acting, and, like, getting in and out of a character from a different lifestyle and writing a song about it. Likewise, my acting inspires the music because I can write a theme that I wouldn't necessarily approach at all in life.

Bryan Greenberg
Bryan Greenberg

I think when you get out of the big cities people get really freaked out when they see someone who is on TV, because they're not used to that.

Bryan Greenberg
Bryan Greenberg

I'm pretty good with talking to girls if I have an introduction, but I'm the worst at trying to go pick up a girl. I'm really bad at breaking the ice. It's awkward!

Bryan Greenberg
Bryan Greenberg

I'm definitely a singer-songwriter. I'm somewhere in the vein between Elliott Smith and Jack Johnson.

Bryan Greenberg
Bryan Greenberg

I have no interest in being famous for the sake of being famous.

Bryan Greenberg
Bryan Greenberg

I grew up in St. Louis, and I just couldn't wait until I turned 18 because I wanted to move to New York.

Bryan Greenberg
Bryan Greenberg

I've always gone back and forth between acting and music, but for music I'm not trying to be a pop star - I just like to do it.