Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Dickinson

Business is just about enabling human beings, nothing more, nothing less. Businesses need to recognize this fundamental fact.

Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Dickinson

The mystical poetry of William Blake's artwork also forms the basis for the album cover.

Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Dickinson

If it all just happens like this for the rest of my life, it's going to be one endless Groundhog Day. I determined that I was not prepared to submit to this regime, so I thought I had to do something about it.

Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Dickinson

Well, it's a nice quiet time for Iron Maiden, and I'll be releasing a new solo album next year, so this is a really good time for the managing out my solo career, which is quite well.

Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Dickinson

I do like Marylin Manson, actually. I think, he's very talented and he did make some great music.

Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Dickinson

When I write with Maiden, then I write only with the guys in Maiden, we don't do songs from outside people.

Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Dickinson

The more guitars we have onstage the better, as I'm concerned.

Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Dickinson

Major labels blow all their money massively and blame it on the band.

Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Dickinson

A few of these interviews have gone slightly awry, because every now and again there has been the odd conflict of interest between interviews because of the Iron Maiden record, and I am a bit long-winded.

Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Dickinson

I shall refract myself, yes, I shall no longer be known as the prism.

Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Dickinson

I am taking a break, but not a huge break because the Maiden record is actually happening right now, and I am recording it as we speak, well not right as we speak, but close.

Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Dickinson

There are a lot of stuff on the record that I am thinking is generic but actually it is just as good as everybody else who is putting stuff out at the time.

Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Dickinson

Rock music should be gross: that's the fun of it. It gets up and drops its trousers.

Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Dickinson

I never intended to become a professional pilot. But, as I became more curious about aircraft, and, well, not being John Travolta, I realized that the only way I was ever going to fly a jet is if I got a job.

Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Dickinson

Don't ask me to put up a shelf, but I love engineering.

Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Dickinson

Engineering stimulates the mind.

Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Dickinson

Kids get bored easily. They have got to get out and get their hands dirty: make things, dismantle things, fix things.

Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Dickinson

My son is in a band, and he's a singer, and his vocals... they're screaming-growling stuff... and he's got a pretty reasonable voice. Yet he practices really hard to get the screaming-growling thing without losing that voice every five minutes. So I'm, like, 'Hats off to you.'

Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Dickinson

I'm trying to be as green as I can. As an airline pilot, I have a carbon footprint that's a size 10, so it's pretty hard.

Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Dickinson

Everything you need to know about Iron Maiden is onstage.