Boy George
Boy George

The ultimate goal is to be more satisfied. I really don't believe you get wiser because you get older. It's a choice, perhaps not to take some things so seriously.

Boy George
Boy George

I've sold a lot of records. I've sold, like, 150 million records, and I don't think I've had that many good reviews. It's one of those things that when you're really successful, critics hate you just because you're successful.

Boy George
Boy George

People say things about me all the time and I get over it. I've had some appalling things told about me.

Boy George
Boy George

My coming of age was in the '70s. A lot of people look back on it as a grim decade, but I look back on it as a liberating time.

Boy George
Boy George

I'm always being inspired .

Boy George
Boy George

In the early part of the '70s, we had glam rock, but we also had reggae and ska happening at the same time. I just took all those influences I had as a kid and threw them together, and somehow it works.

Boy George
Boy George

To be here in America so soon after the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage and at the birth of the Caitlyn phenomena feels so timely. It feels perfect for my universe to collide with Caitlyn's, but on a purely personal level, I just think she is utterly fabulous and brave.

Boy George
Boy George

Let's face it: I've got a bit of a reputation.

Boy George
Boy George

I suppose there is a lot of toughness in me.

Boy George
Boy George

I look at myself at 19 and think I would never do what I did then now! I was so brazen, so confident, so fearless in a way. And remember, the world was a very aggressive place then.

Boy George
Boy George

Well there are those who think you can only succeed at someone else's expense.

Boy George
Boy George

I'm being honest, I say what I think.

Boy George
Boy George

As for Madonna, I always used to laugh at her running. And now I run! I get why she always ran. I wish I'd run when she did.

Boy George
Boy George

My audience here in America is so eclectic. It's a real mix of people, which is great. Like what I was doing with Culture Club - world music, multiculturalism - not defining everything in terms of sexuality or color. It was about everyone coming together and being part of something.

Boy George
Boy George

My appetite for self-destruction and misery is greatly diminished. I'm not interested in being unhappy.

Boy George
Boy George

People that plan interviews are really boring. I just say what I want when it comes into my head.

Boy George
Boy George

I think what I love most about the raw food thing is it's real alchemy. It's a really interesting science, and I think for a creative person, it's a great way to eat.

Boy George
Boy George

There's always going to be something said that hurts you.

Boy George
Boy George

If you go back to the '80s, you had a whole plethora of artists, everyone from Madonna and Cyndi Lauper to Prince. God bless Lady Gaga for doing her thing, but she's kind of a lone peacock now. If anything, we have a much more conservative kind of pop world. It's not necessarily about individuality.

Boy George
Boy George

Beethoven had a great look. It was very much about the drama of appearance.