Andy Biersack
Andy Biersack

I just don't really think about death.

Andy Biersack
Andy Biersack

I was homeless for almost a year and a half, just living in my car or bouncing around peoples' houses, going to 7-Eleven at the end of the day and asking them for the taquitos that they were going to throw out because I hadn't eaten in two days.

Andy Biersack
Andy Biersack

I think Heaven and afterlife is for the living; it's for the people that continue on and remember that person, and if you've done something that is substantial in your life then you can leave a legacy and do something positive.

Andy Biersack
Andy Biersack

I have no goal to have artistic credibility.

Andy Biersack
Andy Biersack

The Misfits skull was my second tattoo, and the Danzig was my third.

Andy Biersack
Andy Biersack

When I walk around on the street and someone comes up to me, I have just as many full-grown men with large beards in Slipknot shirts saying he likes my band as much as I do girls with bright pink hair.

Andy Biersack
Andy Biersack

There is nothing more, I guess, cannibalistic than the metal or the hard rock scene, it seems.

Andy Biersack
Andy Biersack

I came from a town of about 2,000 people with one stop light, and I was told that nothing I ever wanted to do, I would succeed in.

Andy Biersack
Andy Biersack

To be honest, I've always been really interested in the role of the host, whether it's our kind of Billy Crystal-style traditional awards show host or when you have someone like Louis C.K. or a more edgy stand-up comedian do their take on a hosting role.

Andy Biersack
Andy Biersack

My job as the host of a rock awards show is not to be as divisive as possible, but certainly you want to be able to interject your jokes and how you feel about stuff.

Andy Biersack
Andy Biersack

The story of my life publicly has been told through 'Alternative Press.' Former employees, people who have worked there - my friend Ryan Downey, who wrote for 'AP' for a long time - I've been able to have really great articles written about me and talk openly about things in my life.

Andy Biersack
Andy Biersack

How do we make a record that's true to the vibe of the band but still maintain the pace of moving forward and doing something fresh?

Andy Biersack
Andy Biersack

I go to a lot of self-help groups in the day, and then I can sleep pretty well at night.

Andy Biersack
Andy Biersack

I am a clinical zombie.

Andy Biersack
Andy Biersack

We made 'Wretched and Divine,' and as much as I love it, it's a pretty sparkly record - it's a record that could be done as a play because it's very theatrical with no grit.

Andy Biersack
Andy Biersack

Coming out of 'Wretched and Divine,' I was still wanting to explore the more theatrical elements of songwriting. That led to Andy Black.

Andy Biersack
Andy Biersack

Lyrically, the most important thing for me is, how can I tell a cohesive story?

Andy Biersack
Andy Biersack

We've won both the best and worst band in so many major magazines - we just get written off so much, but we don't care.

Andy Biersack
Andy Biersack

For us, we are interested in doing what's cool for us and what's cool for the audience. That's it.

Andy Biersack
Andy Biersack

More than anything, I write about what I know. The experiences that I've had in my life and that we've all had collectively, that's what we draw from.