Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas

I can't stay in one place for too long.

Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas

I always need to keep moving.

Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas

I want to try as many different roles as I can. I want to do everything.

Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas

I didn't get to play many video games when I was growing up.

Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas

I think I had 'Super Mario' and 'Tetris' around, and that's it.

Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas

The first 'Blade Runner' is a cool movie. It's a classic. Just to be part of the sequel was such an honor and a beautiful learning experience.

Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas

I'm very impatient. I always want more.

Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas

This business - the auditions, the anxiety - it's all so, aaah, crazy! But I can always call my mom in Cuba to be reminded of what real life is.

Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas

I want to do everything and beyond. I want to create impact.

Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas

When I was 13, I auditioned for the theater school, and I was there for four years. In the meantime, I did my first three movies, all in Cuba.

Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas

When I moved to L.A. and had my first meeting with my agents, they asked me what I wanted for my career. And I didn't speak English at the time, but I did say, 'I wanna be Ryan Gosling as a woman.' So I got very excited to play opposite him.

Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas

The sets were incredible. You would walk in at 6 in the morning, and we were really living in 'Blade Runner.'

Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas

My life and career have been a big improvisation.

Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas

At some point, I would like to start creating my own things. If people don't write the scripts I like, then I will do my own.

Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas

When you get to Hollywood, you have to start from zero, whatever you've done before.

Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas

I like vaporous clothing with flowers and colors.

Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas

I try not to look too far ahead. I'm more about living day to day and working hard. I think it's great to visualize a dream, but it's more important to make it come true with your efforts.

Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas

I'm ambitious in a good way. I've never wanted to settle as long as I've thought there's more.

Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas

I've tried to choose roles where women are not just reacting or waiting for something to happen.

Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas

When you have three days to work on a scene, you can give all that love to the movie.