Amy Purdy
Amy Purdy

There are no rules in snowboarding.

Amy Purdy
Amy Purdy

In snowboarding, I've always looked at really strong competitors through a lens of gratitude rather than envy in the sense that the better my competition is, the more it forces me to work hard, focus, and be better myself if I want to succeed, which I do.

Amy Purdy
Amy Purdy

As humans, we need to reach out for support.

Amy Purdy
Amy Purdy

There are plenty of people who have legs who are way more disabled than me.

Amy Purdy
Amy Purdy

As for how do I respond to those who want to throw stones, well, I don't.

Amy Purdy
Amy Purdy

All through high school, I was incredibly healthy. I loved the outdoors, and I loved snowboarding because of the freedom.

Amy Purdy
Amy Purdy

I guess I'm always up for a challenge.

Amy Purdy
Amy Purdy

I was 19 years old, and I felt like I had the flu one day. Within 24 hours, I was in the hospital on life support, and I was given less than a 2 percent chance of living. It took five days for the doctors to find out that I had contracted bacterial meningitis.

Amy Purdy
Amy Purdy

You don't always have to have the most amazing story. It's learning to share the story you have that counts.

Amy Purdy
Amy Purdy

We all have things that limit us and that challenge us. But really, our real limitations are the ones we believe.

Amy Purdy
Amy Purdy

Growing up in the hot Last Vegas desert, all I wanted was to be free. I would daydream about traveling the world, living in a place where it snowed, and I would picture all of the stories that I would go on to tell.

Amy Purdy
Amy Purdy

Pfizer's actually teamed up with my nonprofit organization, which is called Adaptive Action Sports. I cofounded this organization in 2005 to help people with physical disabilities get involved in action sports, go snowboarding, skateboarding.

Amy Purdy
Amy Purdy

I lost my spleen, I lost the hearing in my left ear, so I had a lot of internal organ damage.

Amy Purdy
Amy Purdy

I have a very good sense of my body and where it's at. Although I don't feel the ground in the same way that somebody else would, I'm very aware... I can feel pressure, and I know exactly where my toes are and exactly where my heel is.

Amy Purdy
Amy Purdy

My dad had given my sister and I our starter car, a red, old 1985 Chevy Blazer. It was so beat up, the taillights would fall off, and we would use red duct tape.

Amy Purdy
Amy Purdy

In my dreams, whatever I am doing, I look down to see if I have prosthetics. It sets my time frame in my dream, I think. I'd have these dreams that I am running and launching myself, and I look down and see that I have prosthetics. I have a lot of those, where I do great, amazing things with my prosthetics.

Amy Purdy
Amy Purdy

For me, I just began, eventually, to embrace what I had. This is what I have to deal with and, not just deal with, but this is what I have to share, and how can I do that the best way.

Amy Purdy
Amy Purdy

When you are truly you and share who you are with the world and be confident in who you are, it doesn't matter what size you are. It doesn't matter what your different body parts look like.

Amy Purdy
Amy Purdy

I've learned that borders are where the actual ends, but also where the imagination and the story begins.

Amy Purdy
Amy Purdy

I've never wanted sympathy votes in anything I do in my life.