American Gangster
American Gangster

[from trailer]
Detective Richie Roberts: Frank Lucas is the most dangerous man walking the streets of our city.

American Gangster
American Gangster

[repeated line]
Frank Lucas: 20 Percent.

American Gangster
American Gangster

Frank Lucas: I don't care what you call it, put a choke-hold on the motherfucker and call it Blue Dog Shit.

American Gangster
American Gangster

Frank Lucas: I've been paying off Johnny law since I was ten years old I put more kids through college than the National Merit Award this is different though, these special investigative unit that's their problem they think their "special"

American Gangster
American Gangster

Frank Lucas: Let me ask you something. You think by putting me in jail, you're going to stop even one junkie from dying? Because you won't. If it isn't me, it'll be someone else. With me or without me, nothing's going to change.
Detective Richie Roberts: Then that's the way it is.

American Gangster
American Gangster

[last lines - extended cut]
[Frank observes some new-school gangstaz]
Frank Lucas: Even a fool gets to be young once.

American Gangster
American Gangster

[from trailer]
Frank Lucas: This is my home. This is where my business is, my wife, my mother, my family. This is my country, I ain't goin' nowhere.

American Gangster
American Gangster

Frank Lucas: What's with this outfit? You know what it says? You wanna know what it says? Arrest me!

American Gangster
American Gangster

[first lines]
Bumpy Johnson: Happy Thanksgiving!

American Gangster
American Gangster

Detective Richie Roberts: I got possession, supply, conspiracy, bribing a law officer, I got your offshore bank accounts, your real estate, your businesses, all bought with money from heroin, I got hundreds of parents from dead kids, addicts who OD'ED and that's my story, that's how I make it all stick for the jury, this man murdered thousands of people and he did it from a

penthouse driving a Lincoln, I got a line people wanting to testify against you that stretches out the door and around the block

American Gangster
American Gangster

Detective Trupo: When was the last time I was in New Jersey? Let me think, never, what are you doing coming over here unannounced? You think you're going to get hurt doing that? you got your fucking money, never come into this city unannounced, you come to the city to see a fucking Broadway show, you call ahead first to see if it's ok with me

American Gangster
American Gangster

Dominic Cattano: [Speculating who shot at Frank and his wife] Maybe it was a junkie, or it was a rival, some dumbass kid trying to make a name for himself, someone you forgot to pay off, someone you slide without realizing it, could be someone you put out of business for being so successful

American Gangster
American Gangster

Detective Richie Roberts: [Referring to Frank Lucas] His seats were phenomenal better seats than Dominic Cattano, Joe Louis shook his hand, who the fuck is this guy?

American Gangster
American Gangster

Javier J. Rivera: I'm a leper. Because I listened to you and turned in a million fucking dollars. You know who'll work with me after that? Same as you. No one.

American Gangster
American Gangster

Rossi: They seize it, arrest everybody, whack it up and sell it back to us. Our dope. They been living off it for years, these New York cops. They basically control the market with it. What the fuck has happened to the world, Frank?

American Gangster
American Gangster

Rossi: Who can live like that? There has to be order. That would've never happened with Italians. More important than any one man's life... is order.

American Gangster
American Gangster

Frank Lucas: Bumpy ain't hardly ever go out no more. After a certain point he stayed in the house. Watch TV. Play chess. Read the newspaper. I thought he was just trying to lead the quiet life, but no, he couldn't go nowhere. Not without something happening.
Eva: Frankie... We can still go out.

American Gangster
American Gangster

Frank Lucas: Bumpy Johnson may have been rich, but he wasn't white man rich. He wasn't wealthy.

American Gangster
American Gangster

Frank Lucas: What you want me to do? Snitch? I know you don't want no cops. What you want? Gangsters? Pick one. Jew gangsters, mick gangsters, guinees? They been bleeding Harlem dry since they got off the boat. I don't give a fuck about no crime figures. You can have them.
Detective Richie Roberts: I'll take them too.
Frank Lucas:

You'll take them too? No you didn't. You talkin about police? You want police? You want your own kind?
Detective Richie Roberts: They're not my kind. They're in business with you, they ain't my kind. They ain't my kind like the Italians are not yours.

American Gangster
American Gangster

Detective Richie Roberts: My investigation indicates that Frank Lucas is above the Mafia.
District Attorney: Who does he work for? Which family?
Detective Richie Roberts: He's not Italian, he's black.
District Attorney: No nigger has accomplished what the American Mafia hasn't in a hundred years!