Alexis Bledel
Alexis Bledel

I think that's what makes life interesting - the evolution of getting older, and it's kinda fascinating to me, the whole process.

Alexis Bledel
Alexis Bledel

In my life, I don't need to have my face plastered everywhere. It's not really something I want.

Alexis Bledel
Alexis Bledel

Give me a hot drink, and I'm happy. Hot cider, hot chocolate, coffee... I like all winter beverages!

Alexis Bledel
Alexis Bledel

A story isn't interesting unless a character has real challenges to deal with.

Alexis Bledel
Alexis Bledel

I think there's so much to play in adolescence; there's so many conflicting things happening and so many changes, and there's just a lot of good stuff to play there as an actor.

Alexis Bledel
Alexis Bledel

'The Handmaid's Tale' takes place in the near future, a dystopian future, and is based on the book by Margaret Atwood. It takes place in what was formerly part of the United States at a period of time when society has been taken over by a totalitarian theocracy. It's about the women who live in subjugation.

Alexis Bledel
Alexis Bledel

I remember seeing the performance Samantha Morton did in 'Sweet and Low Down' where she didn't speak at all, and I loved it so much because she got to do so much work just by expressing herself in her body and her face. With expressions, it wasn't necessary to speak. I find that appealing.

Alexis Bledel
Alexis Bledel

I just want to live each moment, but it's kind of hard to do that when you are asked to analyze yourself constantly. But it's also good in that you are forced to think about things that you don't ordinarily think about. I think it's strange.

Alexis Bledel
Alexis Bledel

I write a lot too, so I would like to write or direct in the future if I can.

Alexis Bledel
Alexis Bledel

A lot of girls ask for advice on how to get into acting, and I'm kind of the worst person to ask, because it just kind of fell in my lap... I was just in the right place at the right time.

Alexis Bledel
Alexis Bledel

Directors and writers have a lot of stress as well, because they have people they answer to.

Alexis Bledel
Alexis Bledel

For some unknown reason, bad-boys draw you in despite the fact that they are jerks.

Alexis Bledel
Alexis Bledel

I did one year at NYU, and I'd love to go back there someday.

Alexis Bledel
Alexis Bledel

I was modeling with an agency in New York and a manager with the agency introduced himself to me one day and he said he had auditions for someone my age. He asked if I would be interested in doing some.

Alexis Bledel
Alexis Bledel

I'm still a shy person. I've learned to put that aside on certain occasions. I have to. It's part of my job.

Alexis Bledel
Alexis Bledel

It gets kinda monotonous, but that's television. There are plus sides and down sides. The positive side is that you have steady work for nine months of the year for however many years your show is on TV,.

Alexis Bledel
Alexis Bledel

Well, I think every film student goes into film school thinking they want to write and direct their own movies, and they don't realize how much goes into it, and what a process it is.

Alexis Bledel
Alexis Bledel

Well, I think that a lot of times when you're working on a film, there aren't really opportunities to get to know all the people you have to work with.

Alexis Bledel
Alexis Bledel

I always have looked for the best challenge, I guess, that I could take on. I haven't been producing my own work or anything like that, so I've taken the jobs that look most interesting that come my way.

Alexis Bledel
Alexis Bledel

I like period pieces.