Schāh Walī Allāh ad-Dihlawī
Schāh Walī Allāh ad-Dihlawī

Professor S. A. A. Rizvi gives some graphic details of this dream described by Shah Waliullah himself in his Fuyûd al-Harmayn which he wrote soon after his return to Indian in 1732: In the same vision he saw that the king of the kafirs had seized Muslim towns, plundered their wealth and enslaved their children. Earlier the king had introduced infidelity amongst the faithful and banished Islamic

practices. Such a situation infuriated Allah and made Him angry with His creatures. The Shah then witnessed the expression of His fury in the mala’ala (a realm where objects and events are shaped before appearing on earth) which in turn gave rise to Shah’s own wrath. Then the Shah found himself amongst a gathering of racial groups such as Turks, Uzbeks and Arabs, some riding camels, others

horses. They seemed to him very like pilgrims in the Arafat. The Shah’s temper exasperated the pilgrims who began to question him about the nature of the divine command. This was the point, he answered, from which all worldly organizations would begin to disintegrate and revert to anarchy. When asked how long such a situation would last, Shah Wali-Allah’s reply was until Allah’s anger had

subsided… Shah Wali-Allah and the pilgrims then travelled from town to town slaughtering the infidels. Ultimately they reached Ajmer, slaughtered the nonbelievers there, liberated the town and imprisoned the infidel king. Then the Shah saw the infidel king with the Muslim army, led by its king, who then ordered that the infidel monarch be killed. The bloody slaughter prompted the Shah to say

that divine mercy was on the side of the Muslims.”

Clement Attlee
Clement Attlee

King George VI was always remarkably well informed, and I made a point of reading the latest telegrams before my weekly audience with him. A conscientious, constitutional monarch is a strong element of stability and continuity in our Constitution.

Subh-e Azal
Subh-e Azal

That monarch does not have the right to commit wrongdoing, not even one ounce of it. He only has the right to lead and to the basic necessities of life, or a little more, not to do whatever he pleases or to tyrannize the people.

Joan Baez
Joan Baez

With the precision of a hummingbird's heart
Was the lord of the monarch butterflies
One-time ruler of the world of art

Joan Baez
Joan Baez

True he was a vocal miracle
But that's only secondary
It's the soul of the monarch butterfly
That I find a little bit scary

Franz Joseph I.
Franz Joseph I.

Ich bin der letzte Monarch der alten Schule. Es ist meine Aufgabe, meine Völker vor ihren Politikern zu schützen!

Heinrich von Treitschke
Heinrich von Treitschke

Wie sehr der persönliche Wille des Königs zuweilen schaden kann, das haben wir schon oft erfahren und werden es ferner erfahren. Aber wenn wir Monarchisten sind, so müssen wir uns überzeugen, daß dieser Zustand erträglicher ist, als wenn der Monarch zu einer Puppe wird.

Immanuel Kant
Immanuel Kant

Was aber nicht einmal ein Volk über sich selbst beschließen darf, das darf noch weniger ein Monarch über das Volk beschließen; denn sein gesetzgebendes Ansehen beruht darauf, daß er den gesammten Volkswillen in dem seinigen vereinigt.

Immanuel Kant
Immanuel Kant

Die Empfindung der eigenen Unwürdigkeit und der Glanz des Thrones können meine Blödigkeit nicht so kleinmütig machen, als die Gnade, die der allerhuldreichste Monarch über alle seine Untertanen mit gleicher Großmut verbreitet, mir Hoffnung einflößet: daß die Kühnheit, der ich mich unterwinde, nicht mit ungnädigen Auge werde angesehen werden.