Robert K. Adair
Robert K. Adair

Note that the ball falls at a rather large angle at the end of its flight; the trajectories are not symmetric.

Robert K. Adair
Robert K. Adair

We not that those players with weaker arms might be better off throwing at a lower angle to get the ball to the plate on the bounce. If the surface is Astroturf, the 90-mph player can gain as much as 0.2 seconds, or 6 feet, on the runner by throwing on the bounce. But if his team is playing on grass and his groundskeeper has kept the grass long and well watered to help his team (which relies on

singles, speed, and baserunning), the ball may lose so much speed at the bounce that nothing will be gained.

Benedict Anderson
Benedict Anderson

It is important to recognise that comparison is not a method or even an academic technique; rather, it is a discursive strategy. There are a few important points to bear in mind when one wants to make a comparison. First of all, one has to decide, in any given work, whether one is mainly after similarities or differences. It is very difficult, for example, to say, let alone prove, that Japan and

China or Korea are basically similar or basically different. Either case could be made, depending on one’s angle of vision, one’s framework, and the conclusions towards which one intends to move. (In the jingoist years on the eve of the First World War, when Germans and Frenchmen were encouraged to hate each other, the great Austro-Marxist theoretician Otto Bauer enjoyed baiting both sides by

saying that contemporary Parisians and Berliners had far more in common than either had with their respective medieval ancestors.) Here I have tried, as perhaps offering a useful example, to show how the comparative works I wrote between the early 1970s and the 2000s reflected, in their real difference, changing perspectives, framings and (political) intentions.


In any triangle the centre of gravity lies on the straight line joining any angle to the middle point of the opposite side.

Kwon Ho-Mun
Kwon Ho-Mun

Diene dem König, beglücke das Volk, pflüge bei Wolken, angle bei Nacht! Das ist das Leben des weisen Mannes. Reichtum und Rang sind gefährliche Lose. Leben will ich, doch arm und bescheiden!