
Whatever form of meditation we do, whether we focus on the heart or between the eyebrows, the goal is the same: one-pointed concentration.

Edwin Arnold
Edwin Arnold

Now, when our Lord was come to eighteen years,
The King commanded that there should be built
Three stately houses, one of hewn square beams
With cedar lining, warm for winter days;
One of veined marbles, cool for summer heat;
And one of burned bricks, with blue tiles bedecked,
Pleasant at seed-time, when the champaks bud--
Subha, Suramma, Ramma, were their names.

gardens round about them bloomed,
Streams wandered wild and musky thickets stretched,
With many a bright pavilion and fair lawn
In midst of which Siddartha strayed at will,
Some new delight provided every hour;
And happy hours he knew, for life was rich,
With youthful blood at quickest; yet still came
The shadows of his meditation back,
As the lake's silver dulls with

driving clouds.

Franz von Assisi
Franz von Assisi

Wo Stille und Meditation herrschen, gibt es keinen Platz für Besorgnis oder Zerstreuung.

Meher Baba
Meher Baba

No amount of prayer or meditation can do what helping others can do.

Alice Bailey
Alice Bailey

Personally, though I am recognised all over the world as a teacher of meditation I have at the same time never relinquished my habit of prayer. I believe that the true occultist uses prayer and meditation interchangeably according to need and that both are equally important in the spiritual life. The trouble with prayer has been that the average human being makes it entirely a selfish thing and a

means of acquisition of things for the separated self. True prayer asks nothing for the separated self but it will always be used by those who seek to help others.

Alice Bailey
Alice Bailey

By meditation upon Light and upon Radiance, knowledge of the Spirit can be reached and thus peace can be achieved.

Baal Schem Tov
Baal Schem Tov

Auch das Geplauder mit dem Nachbarn kann das Gefäß tiefer Meditation sein.

Dalai Lama
Dalai Lama

Hören, Nachdenken und Meditation müssen eine Verbindung eingehen.

Dalai Lama
Dalai Lama

Als Buddhisten sollten wir Meditation immer mit Studium verbinden und umgekehrt. Dies ist eine geschickte Vorgehensweise.

Dalai Lama
Dalai Lama

Durch Meditation über die wahre Natur des Geistes reinigen wir störende Gedanken und Gefühle.