J. J. Abrams
J. J. Abrams

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (1977) is probably the most influential film of my generation. … That movie was the personification of good and evil and the way it opened up the world to space adventure, the way westerns did to our parents' generations, it left an indelible imprint.

J. J. Abrams
J. J. Abrams

When I was a kid and saw Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope for the first time, it blew my mind and around the same time, I had friends who were huge fans of Star Trek and I don’t know if I was smart enough to get it, or patient enough. What I loved about Star Wars was the visceral energy of it, the clarity of it, the kind of innocence and big heart of it. Star Trek always felt a little bit more

sophisticated and philosophical, debating moral dilemmas and things that were theoretically interesting, but for some reason I couldn’t get on board. It really took working with all these guys and actually working on Star Trek for me to fall in love with that.

Will Arnett
Will Arnett

I did The Mike O'Malley Show. It aired twice. You know, that was a really tough experience because Mike is a really good friend of mine, and was before that, and we were all friends, everybody on the show. It was Mike, and it was me, and Mike's sister Kerry, and Missy Yager, who I was then dating… well, we had just broken up; we had lived together for four years and we did that. And this guy

Mark Rosenthal and Kate Walsh. And we were all friends, and we were all excited at the opportunity to do this show together. We were kind of shocked, and we thought, "God, this is so cool, that the six of us are doing this show!" And then we realized that they never intended to follow it or support us. You know, I think that show got a really bad rap, but by the end -- by the sixth or seventh

episode or whatever it was that we made -- we were starting to find a voice on that show, and we were very disappointed. I took the disappointment of that really to heart, and the year after that got cancelled was probably the darkest year of my life. It was tough. It was a really tough time for me. And I didn't get a lot of work. And I didn't do anything, I just kind of drank those years away.

Sebastian Bach
Sebastian Bach

You know that episode where I said I'd stopped drinking? Well, I lied. Ted is so militant in his views. I lived with him for 12 days and it's hard to imagine ever doing anything that would truly look good in his eyes. Also he said some stuff online about Dimebag which I thought was really not cool. I'm not going to repeat it but you can check it out online.

Breaking Bad - 2. Staffel (Serie)
Breaking Bad - 2. Staffel (Serie)

Inzwischen ist mir klar geworden, das diese Angst das Schlimmste ist. Die ist der wahre Feind. Also, steh auf. Geh hinaus ins richtige Leben und hau dieser verdammten Angst voll eins in die Fresse!" - Breaking Bad (Staffel 2, Episode 8)

Castle - Staffel 4 (Serie)
Castle - Staffel 4 (Serie)

Es gibt eine universelle Wahrheit, der wir uns alle stellen müssen.
Ob wir nun wollen oder nicht.
Alles geht irgendwann zuende.
So sehr ich mich auf diesen Tag gefreut habe, hat's mir nie gefallen, wenn etwas zuende ging.
Der letzte Tag des Sommers, das letzte Kapitel eines guten buchs, die Trennung von engen Freunden. Aber das Dinge enden ist unvermeidlich.

Blätter fallen, man schließt das Buch, man nimmt abschied.
Heute ist einer dieser Tage für uns.
Heute nehmen wir Abschied von allem was uns vertraut war, von allem was bequem war.
Wir fangen etwas neues an.
Aber wir müssen jetzt weggehen und das tut weh.
Es gibt einige Menschen, die so sehr zu uns gehören, dass sie immer bei uns sind.
Sie sind der

Boden unter unseren Füßen, unser Polarstern und die Klaren Stimmen in unseren Herzen, die uns begleiten werden. Für immer."

-Alexis' Abschlussrede Staffel 4 Episode 23

Close to home (Serie)
Close to home (Serie)

Staffel 1, Episode 1: Feuerprobe

Curt zu seiner Frau Molly, bevor er abgeführt wird.
Curt: "Dafür schmorrst Du in der Hölle!"
Molly: "Da bin ich schon gewesen."

Coupling - Wer mit wem? - 3. Staffel (Serie)
Coupling - Wer mit wem? - 3. Staffel (Serie)

Staffel 03 - Episode 08 - Vielleicht, vielleicht vielleicht - "Es ist sehr leicht den Apfelzeitpunkt zu verpassen. Ich werde oft nervös wegen der Äpfel. Naja, ich werde ganz generell oft nervös. Ich denke ich hab mir angewöhnt, dem Obst die Schuld zu geben.

Cowboy Bebop - Der Film
Cowboy Bebop - Der Film

Eine weitere Episode aus der Serie 'Zeitverschwendung mit Jet'.

Die Simpsons (Serie)
Die Simpsons (Serie)

Roger Meyers jr.: "Na, was ist, können wir anfangen?" Homer: "Ich denke schon. Geht dies Episode live auf Sendung?" June Bellamy: "Nein Homer, nur wenige Zeichentrickfilme werden live gesendet. Da überanstrengt der Animator seine Handgelenke."