Charlotte McPherson
Charlotte McPherson

Turkish films are very dramatic - the plot nearly always includes gun chases and romance. They always have a sad ending.

Charlotte McPherson
Charlotte McPherson

Rural families tend to have many children. Education is not a high priority, particularly for girls. Often when young people come of age they move to an urban area. As a result, the villages are more conservative and superstitious. Each is closely knit society.

Charlotte McPherson
Charlotte McPherson

Although Atatürk, in a complete break with the past, established a secular government, Islam continues to have a pivotal role in the life and character of the nation.

Turkish society can be broadly divided into four subgroups: Atatürk supporters(secularists), Leftists, Islamic fundamentalists, and Modern Islamists.

Atatürk supporters uphold links with the West and look

for modernization at every opportunity. They are educated, middle-class, progressive citizens who are muslim. They revere Atatürk, and often can be heard to mourn that there is no one like him today. They are fiercely loyal to the values of democracy, liberalization, and modernization stressed by him.

Charlotte McPherson
Charlotte McPherson

At first glance, Turkey seems Westernized and modern in many ways-but this appearance is misleading. It is a land of contrasts, a heady mixture of Oriental mystery and romance and ultramodern city life, deep-rooted religious faith and determined secularism, a fierce sense of national pride and openness to foreign ideas. Turkish culture is a distinctive blend of European and Middle Eastern ways of
