Bee Wilson
Bee Wilson

One thing I always make - and I'm sure this is partly to do with memory and yearning and because I've made it ever since my children were born - I make gingerbread every year. And it's partly just the perfume of the spices in the house, makes it smell like winter to me.

Bette Davis
Bette Davis

An affair now and then is good for a marriage. It adds spice, stops it from getting boring... I ought to know.

Blake Lively
Blake Lively

When I was a child, I probably should have been medicated about my obsession with The Spice Girls. I had the Buffalo shoes, a customised Baby Spice necklace - when I say custom-made, it was made out of plastic from the local mall - and a Union Jack dress.

Bobby Berk
Bobby Berk

I would be Sassy Spice.

Bobby Flay
Bobby Flay

A molcajete is a stone mortar and pestle from Mexico. They're great for grinding spices and making salsa and guacamole because they give everything a nice coarse and rustic feel. I've never collected anything, but I think I might start collecting these because each one is decorated differently.

Bradley James
Bradley James

The post-'Merlin' era is an exciting time to look forward to. Variety is the spice of life. That's the fantastic thing about acting - all the different challenges it can provide you with. To limit yourself just to one would be foolish; therefore, I'm looking forward to different things that come my way.

Breaux Greer
Breaux Greer

Hey, man, I toss a stick for a living. Gotta spice up that deal, y'know. Gotta stand out.

Caitlin Moran
Caitlin Moran

In the early '90s, it was grunge; everybody was fully clothed. Alanis Morissette was one of the biggest artists in the world, never wore makeup, wearing Doc Marten boots, and then the Spice Girls turn up, and suddenly it all looks a bit burlesque; suddenly they're the biggest band in the world.

Calvin Trillin
Calvin Trillin

The food in such places is so tasteless because the members associate spices and garlic with just the sort of people they're trying to keep out.

Cat Cora
Cat Cora

I add a lot of citrus to my food and I think that flavors it. And, to me, that what makes it healthier, lower in fat, lower in calories. It adds lots of flavor. Spices, of course. But citrus is definitely kind of my go-to to season and really to really make those flavors, make that food come alive.