Adam Davidson
Adam Davidson

If large numbers of people believe they have no shot at a better life in the future, they will work less hard and generate fewer new ideas and businesses. The economy, as a whole, will be poorer.

Adam Driver
Adam Driver

You have friends, and they die. You have a disease, someone you care about has a disease, Wall Street people are scamming everyone, the poor get poorer, the rich get richer. That's what we're surrounded by all the time.

Alan Dershowitz
Alan Dershowitz

I charge my wealthy clients a lot and put 10 per cent in a fund which I use to pay the expenses of my poorer clients. When the government gangs up on the poor schnook in the street, someone has to stand up for him.

Alison Gopnik
Alison Gopnik

Texts and e-mails travel no faster than phone calls and telegrams, and their content isn't necessarily richer or poorer.

Andre Geim
Andre Geim

The consequences of a lack of new knowledge is decades of stagnation: the next generation will be poorer than this one.

Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner

We had poverty in our house. Even on the council estate I knew I was one of the poorer kids. I used to go round my friends houses on a Sunday to get their Sunday dinner because my mum couldn't cook either so I used to love going round my mates and say: 'Can you ask your Mum if I can come in for Sunday dinner?'

Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel

Industrialised countries must take the responsibility of helping poorer countries in the climate change action plan.

Anna Soubry
Anna Soubry

Nobody voted to be poorer, and nobody voted leave on the basis that somebody with a gold-plated pension and inherited wealth would take their jobs away from them.

Anne Campbell
Anne Campbell

Poorer students take out larger loans and will have to contribute more to the cost of higher education.

Anne Hegerty
Anne Hegerty

I would take vouchers, do sums in my head just to get some eggs and bread or a tin of cheap Irish stew. I'd be starving and want two tins but couldn't afford it. The poorer you are the hungrier you feel.