Now you can get artisanal everything - pickles, coffees, house-cured meats, mustard. The pendulum has swung back to this kind of food, and it gives me the greatest hope for the future, especially because we're living in a time with issues like polluted Gulf Coast seafood and food labeled organic that may not really be organic.
Alex Guarnaschelli
I like all of McClure's pickles, but my personal favorites are the spicy ones.
Ambrose Bierce
Life - a spiritual pickle preserving the body from decay.
Armie Hammer
I need it to survive. But most specifically, McDonalds Big Mac's and McDoubles (with no pickles).
Barney Frank
The fact that they're a congressionally chartered group should no more incline people to give to that group than the fact that it's National Pickle Month should make them eat more pickles.