The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Grand Budapest Hotel

Monk: [At the observatory] Are you Monsieur Gustave of the Grand Budapest Hotel in Nebelsbad?
M. Gustave: Uh-huh.
Monk: Get on the next cable car.
Monk: [On the cable car] Are you Monsieur Gustave of the Grand Budapest Hotel in Nebelsbad?
M. Gustave: Uh-huh.

Monk: Switch with me.
Monk: [At the monastery] Are you Monsieur Gustave of the Grand Budapest Hotel in Nebelsbad?
M. Gustave: Uh-huh.
Monk: [Hands them robes] Put these on and sing.
Monk: [Inside the monastery] Psst. Are you Monsieur Gustave of the Grand B...

Gustave: Yes, dammit!
Monk: Confess.
M. Gustave: I'm innocent!
Monk: No, no.
[indicates confession booth]

The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Grand Budapest Hotel

M. Gustave: [Of Mme. Celine] She was dynamite in the sack, by the way.
Zero: ...She was 84, Monsieur Gustave.
M. Gustave: Mmm, I've had older. When you're young, it's all filet steak, but as the years go by, you have to move on to the cheap cuts. Which is fine with me, because I like those. More flavorful, or so they say.

The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Grand Budapest Hotel

Serge X.: Forgive me, Monsieur Gustave, I never meant to betray you. They threatened my life and now they've murdered my only family.
M. Gustave: No! Who'd they kill this time?
Serge X.: My dear sister.
M. Gustave: The girl with the club foot?
Serge X.: Yes.

Gustave: Those fuckers!

The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Grand Budapest Hotel

Zero: [Reading a letter from M. Gustave] "My dear and trusted colleagues..."
M. Gustave: [narrates] I miss you deeply as I write from the confines of my regrettable and preposterous incarceration. Until I walk amongst you again as a free man, the Grand Budapest remains in your hands, as does its impeccable reputation. Keep it spotless, and glorify it. Take

extra-special care of every little bitty bit of it as if I were watching over you like a hawk with a horse-whip in its talons, because I am. Should I discover a lapse of any variety during my absence, I promise swift and merciless justice will descend upon you. A great and noble house has been placed under your protection. Tell Zero if you see any funny business.

[finishing the letter] "Your devoted Monsieur Gustave."

The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Grand Budapest Hotel

Zero: Do you have an alibi?
M. Gustave: Of course. But she's married to the Duke of Westphalia. I can't allow her name to get mixed up in all this monkey business.
Zero: Monsieur Gustave, your life may be at stake.
M. Gustave: I know. The bitch legged it! She's already on board the Queen Nasstasja, halfway to

Dutch Tanganyika.

The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Grand Budapest Hotel

M. Gustave: Give me a few squirts of L'air de Panache, please, will you?
[Zero doesn't move]
M. Gustave: Can I not get A squirt, even?
Zero: I forgot the L'air de Panache.
M. Gustave: Honestly, you forgot the L'air de Panache? I don't believe it. I mean, how could you? I've been in jail, Zero! Do you

understand how humiliating this is? I smell! That's just marvelous, isn't it? I suppose this is to be expected back in... Where do you come from again?
Zero: Aq-Salim-al-Jabat.
M. Gustave: Precisely. I suppose this is to be expected back in Aq-Salim-al-Jabat, where one's prized possessions are a stack of filthy carpets and a starving goat, and one

sleeps behind a tent flap and survives on wild dates and scarabs. But it's not how I trained you! What on God's earth possessed you to leave the homeland where you obviously belong and travel unspeakable distances to become a penniless immigrant in a refined, highly-cultivated society that, quite frankly, could've gotten along very well without you?
Zero: The war.

M. Gustave: ...Say again?
Zero: Well, you see, my father was murdered and the rest of my family were executed by firing squad. Our village was burned to the ground and those who managed to survive were forced to flee. I left because of the war.
M. Gustave: I see. So you're, actually, really more of a refugee, in that sense?

Zero: Truly.
M. Gustave: [chagrined] Well, I suppose I'd better take back everything I just said. What a bloody idiot I am. Pathetic fool. Goddamn, selfish bastard. This is disgraceful, and it's beneath the standards of the Grand Budapest. I apologize on behalf of the hotel.
Zero: It's not your fault, Monsieur Gustave. You were just

upset I forgot the perfume.
M. Gustave: Don't make excuses for me! I owe you my life. You are my dear friend and protégé and I'm very proud of you. You must know that! I'm so sorry, Zero.
Zero: We're brothers.
[they hug]

The Incredibles
The Incredibles

Mr. Incredible: Bomb Voyage.
Bomb Voyage: Monsieur Incroyable!
[Subtitles: Mr. Incredible...!]
Buddy: And IncrediBoy!
Bomb Voyage: [not French, but with an accent] IncrediBoy?
Buddy: Hey, hey! Aren't you curious about how I get around so fast? See? I have these rocket boots!

They're made from...
Mr. Incredible: [cuts him off] Go home, Buddy.
Buddy: What?
Mr. Incredible: Now.
Bomb Voyage: Petit mufle va!
[Subtitles: Little oaf...!]
Buddy: Can we talk?
[pulls Mr. Incredible off to the side]
Buddy: You always,

always say "Be true to yourself," but you never say which part of yourself to be true to! Well, I finally figured out who I am: I am your ward. IncrediBoy!
Mr. Incredible: And now, you have officially carried it too far, Buddy.
[grabs Bomb Voyage, who yells in surprise]
Buddy: This is because I don't have powers, isn't it? Well, not every

superhero has powers, you know. You can be super without them. I invented these.
[points to his rocket boots]
Buddy: I can fly! Can you fly?
Mr. Incredible: Fly home, Buddy. I work alone.
Bomb Voyage: Et ton tenue est complètement ridicule!
[Subtitles: And your outfit is totally ridiculous!]

Voyage: Can you just give me one chance? Look, I'll show you, I'll get the police!
[Buddy runs off and Bomb Voyage puts the bomb on the cape]
Mr. Incredible: Buddy, no!
Buddy: It only take a second, really.
Mr. Incredible: No, STOP!
[He began to stop Buddy]
Mr. Incredible: There's

a bomb!


Anton Ego: You are Monsieur Linguini?
Linguini: Uh, hello.
Anton Ego: Pardon me for interrupting your premature celebration, but I thought it only fair to give you a sporting chance as you are new to this game.
Linguini: Uh... game?
Anton Ego: Yes, and you've been playing without an

opponent, which is, as you may have guessed... against the rules.
Linguini: [awed] You're... Anton Ego.
Anton Ego: [sarcastic] You're slow for someone in the fast lane.
Linguini: [a little nervously] And you're... thin, for someone who likes food.
[crowd gasps]
Anton Ego: I don't *like* food; I

LOVE it. If I don't love it, I don't *swallow*.
[Linguini swallows nervously]
Anton Ego: [turns to leave] I will return tomorrow night with high expectations. Pray you don't disappoint me.


Skinner: Toasting your success, eh, Linguini? Good for you.
Linguini: [indicating his wine glass] Oh, I just took it to be polite. I don't really drink, you know.
Skinner: Oh, of course you don't. I wouldn't either if I was drinking *that*. But you would have to be an idiot of elephantine proportions not to appreciate this '61

Château Latour, and you, Monsieur Linguini, are no idiot. Let us toast your non-idiocy!


Anton Ego: What is it, Ambrister?
Ambrister Minion: Gusteau's, sir.
Anton Ego: Finally closing, is it?
Ambrister Minion: No, sir.
Anton Ego: More financial troubles?
Ambrister Minion: No...
Anton Ego: Announced a new line of microwave egg

rolls? What? What? Spit it out!
Ambrister Minion: It's... come back. It's popular.
[Ego nearly spits out his wine, then glances at the label on the bottle and forcibly swallows]
Anton Ego: I haven't reviewed Gusteau's in years!
Ambrister Minion: No, sir.
Anton Ego: My last review condemned it to

the tourist train.
Ambrister Minion: Yes.
Anton Ego: I said, "Gusteau has finally found his rightful place in history right alongside another equally famous chef: Monsieur Boyardee."
Ambrister Minion: Yes.
Anton Ego: That is where I left it. That was my last word - THE last word.

Ambrister Minion: Yes.
Anton Ego: Then tell me, Ambrister, how could it be POPULAR?