A. J. Liebling
A. J. Liebling

It is impossible for me to estimate how many of my early impressions of the world, correct and the opposite, came to me through newspapers. Homicide, adultery, no-hit pitching, and Balkanism were concepts that, left to my own devices, I would have encountered much later in life.

Adam Granduciel
Adam Granduciel

All those crazy Impressionist painters in France were friends but they would write about how jealous and competitive they were. That's what makes good art.

Adeel Akhtar
Adeel Akhtar

I'm someone who's quite anxious and stresses out a lot and gives the impression that I'm laid back.

Adolf Galland
Adolf Galland

I made a written report which is still today in existence. I have a photocopy of it, and I am saying that in production this aircraft could perhaps substitute for three propeller- driven aircraft of the best existing type. This was my impression.

Ajith Kumar
Ajith Kumar

All my cop/gangster dramas have been spaced out, but somewhere, the films in which I played the bad guy were extremely successful, so people are under the impression that I play only such roles. I call it selective amnesia.

Al Madrigal
Al Madrigal

There are comics in L.A. doing impressions, and the first thing they do is hunch over and then start to do this bad Rick Moranis voice I do as well when I really get going. It's pretty horrible.

Alan Alda
Alan Alda

It's not an epitaph. I felt I could look back at my life and get a good story out of it. It's a picture of somebody trying to figure things out. I'm not trying to create some impression about myself. That doesn't interest me.

Alan Brien
Alan Brien

The majority of them give the impression of being men who have been drafted into the job during a period of martial law and are only waiting for the end of the emergency to get back to a really congenial occupation such as slum demolition or debt collecting.

Alan Keyes
Alan Keyes

When we, through our educational culture, through the media, through the entertainment culture, give our children the impression that human beings cannot control their passions, we are telling them, in effect, that human beings cannot be trusted with freedom.

Alana Stewart
Alana Stewart

People might have the impression I had an easy life, but it's been anything but that.