A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Great teachers emanate out of knowledge, passion and compassion.


Minister and writer Barbara Kaufmann has addressed the subject of guerrilla decontextualization on both the 'Voices Compassionate Education' website and on 'Inner Michael', where she offers the kind of insights into the spiritual aspects of Michael Jackson's creative artistry that mainstream media mostly ignores.

Abigail Washburn
Abigail Washburn

As a child, I went to peace and ERA marches on the back of my mom and grandmother. Through them I learned that I wanted to find a way to make the world a more kind, compassionate place.

Abraham Joshua Heschel
Abraham Joshua Heschel

A religious man is a person who holds God and man in one thought at one time, at all times, who suffers harm done to others, whose greatest passion is compassion, whose greatest strength is love and defiance of despair.

Abraham Joshua Heschel
Abraham Joshua Heschel

It is not enough for me to ask question; I want to know how to answer the one question that seems to encompass everything I face: What am I here for?

Abraham Maslow
Abraham Maslow

You can see neurosis from below - as a sickness - as most psychiatrists see it. Or you can understand it as a compassionate man might: respecting the neurosis as a fumbling and inefficient effort toward good ends.

Ada Cambridge
Ada Cambridge

Alone! Alone! No beacon, far or near! No chart, no compass, and no anchor stay!

Adam Grant
Adam Grant

Kids who evolve into creative adults tend to have a strong moral compass.

Adam Kinzinger
Adam Kinzinger

Americans in general have a lot of compassion, we just don't always have the same view of how that compassion is implemented.

Adam Levine
Adam Levine

I'm intelligent enough to survive happily and be compassionate. If I were too smart, I would realize all the ills of the world.