Abraham Joshua Heschel
Abraham Joshua Heschel

A religious man is a person who holds God and man in one thought at one time, at all times, who suffers harm done to others, whose greatest passion is compassion, whose greatest strength is love and defiance of despair.

Bob Brown
Bob Brown

I am not a conventionally religious man, but in the wilderness I have come closest to finding myself and knowing the universe and accepting God - by which I mean accepting all that I don't know.

Charles Eastman
Charles Eastman

The Indian was a religious man from his mother's womb.

Cyril Cusack
Cyril Cusack

I am basically a religious man.

Daniel H. Hill
Daniel H. Hill

Jackson was not a religious man when he came to Lexington.

David Ogden Stiers
David Ogden Stiers

I am certainly not a mainstream religious man.

Doug Baldwin
Doug Baldwin

I'm a religious man. I believe in God.

Forrest Mars, Jr.
Forrest Mars, Jr.

I'm a religious man. I pray for Milky Way.

Irving Paul Lazar
Irving Paul Lazar

I'm not a very religious man, but I'm proud to be a Jew.

Marquis de Lafayette
Marquis de Lafayette

An irresistible passion that would induce me to believe in innate ideas and the truth of prophecy has decided my career. I have always loved liberty with the enthusiasm which actuates the religious man with the passion of a lover and with the conviction of a geometrician.