Peter Bergen
Peter Bergen

If the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies were private companies and were chronically unable to accomplish one of their key missions, their shareholders would have long ago revolted, fired their management, and their stock would be trading at values near zero.

Rachel Campos-Duffy
Rachel Campos-Duffy

Charter schools in particular have proven a lifeline for millions of children stuck in chronically failing schools.

Richard Eyre
Richard Eyre

I was a chronically shy child. That kernel of my younger self is still there, but I've developed mechanisms to deal with it.

Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky

If you turn on the stress response chronically for purely psychological reasons, you increase your risk of adult-onset diabetes and high blood pressure.

Rose George
Rose George

In 2000, twice as much water was used throughout the world as in 1960. By 2050, half of the planet's projected 8.9 billion people will live in countries that are chronically short of water.

Ted Yoho
Ted Yoho

The Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations all fell victim to chronically relying on Beijing's empty promises with the distant hope that China would finally use its influence to reign in Pyongyang's provocative behavior, to no avail.

Trudie Styler
Trudie Styler

I've had chronically bad stomach aches since I was a child.

Yolanda Hadid
Yolanda Hadid

There is very little magic in the world of the chronically ill.

Yolanda Hadid
Yolanda Hadid

Becoming chronically ill has definitely given me a greater understanding of human nature, and I've learned to accept people's lack of long-term compassion for others while they live their busy lives.

Yolanda Hadid
Yolanda Hadid

The life of any chronically ill person becomes extremely isolating.