The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead

Rick Grimes: [Hugging Lori] What happened to you?
Lori Grimes: I was in a car accident.
Rick Grimes: Accident? How?
Lori Grimes: I went looking for you.
Shane Walsh: Snuck out on her own. I brought her back.
Rick Grimes: Are you crazy? You could-...
Theodore 'T-Dog' Douglas: Who the Hell

is that?
[Seeing Randall in the backseat of the car, tied up and blindfolded]
Glenn Rhee: That's Randall.
Rick Grimes: [Back inside the house] We couldn't just leave him behind. He would've bled out... if he lived that long.
Glenn Rhee: It's gotten bad in town.
Andrea Harrison: What do we do with

Hershel Greene: I repaired his calf muscle as best I can, but he'll probably have nerve damage. He won't be on his feet for, at least, a week.
Rick Grimes: When he is, we give him a canteen, take him out to the main roads, send him on his way.
Andrea Harrison: Isn't that the same as leaving him for the walkers?

Rick Grimes: He'll have a fighting chance.
Shane Walsh: Just gonna let him go? He knows where we are.
Rick Grimes: He was blindfolded the whole way here. He's not a threat.
Shane Walsh: Not a threat. How many more of them were there? You killed 3 of there men, you took one of them hostage, but they just ain't

gonna come looking for him.
Rick Grimes: They left him for dead! No one is looking!
Theodore 'T-Dog' Douglas: We should still post a guard.
Hershel Greene: He's out cold right now. Will be for hours.
Shane Walsh: [Sarcastically] You know, I'm gonna get him some flowers and candy.
[He starts to walk away]

Shane Walsh: Look at this folks, we're back in Fantasy Land!
[Continues walking away]
Hershel Greene: You know, we haven't even dealt with what you did at my barn, yet! Let me make this perfectly clear once and for all. This is my farm and I wanted you gone. Rick talked me out of it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. So, do us both a favor:

Keep your mouth shut!
[Shane walks away, storms out the front door]
Rick Grimes: [to Hershel] Look, we're not gonna do anything about today. Let's just cool off.


Cotton McKnight: In 23 years of broadcasting I thought I'd seen it all, folks. But it looks like Peter La Fleur has actually blindfolded himself.
Pepper Brooks: He will not be able to see very well, Cotton.

Old School
Old School

Mitch Martin: True love is hard to find, sometimes you think you have true love and then you catch the early flight home from San Diego and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blindfolded like a goddamn magic show ready to double team your girlfriend...

Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train

Bruno Anthony: Have you ever driven a car blindfolded at 150 miles an hour?
Guy Haines: Not lately.
Bruno Anthony: I did. I flew on a jet plane too. Man, that's a thrill! Almost blew the sawdust out of my head. And, I'm going to make a reservation on the first rocket to the moon.