Jasper Johns
Jasper Johns

One likes to think that one anticipates changes in the spaces we inhabit, and our ideas about space.

Jean Chatzky
Jean Chatzky

No one anticipates divorce when they're exchanging vows, and it can be devastating emotionally and financially. To ease the financial side of the blow, you need to maintain your financial identity in your relationship. That means having your own credit history - you need your own credit card - and your own savings and retirement accounts.

Joe Lonsdale
Joe Lonsdale

A policy of knowing your replacement is one of the best ways to drive a growth culture. It anticipates and eliminates the most harmful politics in leadership for an expanding company and instantly sets the right tone for a high-talent, growth-mindset executive team.

William A. Dembski
William A. Dembski

The problem with merely writing so that you can be understood is that the wrong people, in advancing their agendas, are only too ready to misunderstand you. Writing so that you cannot be misunderstood anticipates and preempts those who would willfully distort what you are trying to say.

The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Grand Budapest Hotel

M. Gustave: What is a lobby boy? A lobby boy is completely invisible, yet always in sight. A lobby boy remembers what people hate. A lobby boy anticipates the client's needs before the needs are needed. A lobby boy is, above all, discreet to a fault. Our guests know that their deepest secrets, some of which are frankly rather unseemly, will go with us to our graves. So keep your

mouth shut, Zero.

We Were Soldiers
We Were Soldiers

Maj. General Henry Kinnard: The White House anticipates a buildup and wants a victory over cavemen in black pajamas.
General in Hallway: We wouldn't be there if they hadn't already beaten the French Army.
Maj. General Henry Kinnard: French Army? What's that?