Big Sean
Big Sean

I never look at it like I'm wasting money when I'm buying gold.

Billy Joel
Billy Joel

If you are not doing what you love, you are wasting your time.

Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt

I know when I go outside, there'll be a van or two and they'll probably follow us four out of seven days a week, trying to get something. But I'm just going across town and I know they're just wasting their day, so it doesn't bother me anymore.

Brandon Webb
Brandon Webb

Time bandits come at all hours, wanting conversations, wasting conversations, wanting meetings, wasting meetings, and all with no purpose.

Brock Yates
Brock Yates

I admit to wasting my life messing around with fast cars and motorcycles.

Bruce Beutler
Bruce Beutler

I felt I ought not to be wasting time, and I hurried to graduate from high school to enroll at UCSD. I also hurried to finish college, to go on to higher studies. By the time I was in my teens, I had a strong sense of mission, wanting to discover something important or solve a major problem in biology or medicine.

C. K. Williams
C. K. Williams

If you spend your whole life being depressed about life, you're wasting it.

Caitlyn Jenner
Caitlyn Jenner

If you're going to dedicate every second to winning the decathlon, what are you doing wasting your time in bed?

Carl Froch
Carl Froch

I never cheated on nutrition, I always had a really good diet and I always supplemented well - that's a massive factor in any sport. Even in everyday life, if people are just going to the gym recreationally, they'll have targets in mind and if you're not supplementing correctly or concentrating on your diet, you're wasting your time.

Chris Tarrant
Chris Tarrant

As I get older, the idea of wasting time is becoming more and more abhorrent to me and I can't stand the idea of simply lying in bed.