Brooke Baldwin
Brooke Baldwin

In the most polarized and passionate, the most angry and aggressive news environment in recent memory, my job as a journalist requires me - often - to push back in live interviews against comments that are unfair, untrue, or leave me thinking, 'Is this seriously happening right now?'


If something were brought about without an antecedent cause, it would be untrue that all things come about through fate. But if it is plausible that all events have an antecedent cause, what ground can be offered for not conceding that all things come about through fate?

Conrad Veidt
Conrad Veidt

I wish, naturally to prevent the possibility that someone may write an accidental, superficial, incomplete and perhaps untrue picture of me.

Daniel Day-Lewis
Daniel Day-Lewis

To people who don't know me I'm defined by a number of things that people know about me that are entirely untrue.

Daniel Levitin
Daniel Levitin

When it comes to snowing people, one effective technique is to get a whole bunch of verifiable facts right and then add one or two that are untrue.

David Dewhurst
David Dewhurst

This is a choice, ladies and gentleman, between Texas and Washington. Most of Ted Cruz's money comes from Washington, from outside the state of Texas, and they've run millions and millions of untrue ads against me.

Dean Winters
Dean Winters

I never go into a scene - ever, ever, ever - thinking, I have to make myself more empathetic toward the audience. Once you start doing that, you get into really dangerous territory. I think you start to become kind of untrue to the character.

Deepika Padukone
Deepika Padukone

Being a movie star isn't easy. It requires a lot of commitment and sacrifice. Your career goes through extreme ups and downs. You are judged all the time. Great things are written about you, but at the same time, not-so-good things are also said. At times, things are said about you that are completely untrue, and people mostly try to pull you down.

DeRay Mckesson
DeRay Mckesson

I take statements that portray untrue statements about me seriously.

Dexter Gordon
Dexter Gordon

If I were to call it black music, that would be untrue. I don't know what that is, unless it would be some African drums or something.