Brad Henry
Brad Henry

What unites Oklahomans today is what has always united us: Our unshakable faith. Our love of family and compassion for others. The unlimited promise of a hopeful future.

Bret Stephens
Bret Stephens

Generosity is a virtue, but unlimited generosity is a fast route to bankruptcy.

Christian Lous Lange
Christian Lous Lange

For the state by its nature claims sovereignty, the right to an unlimited development of power, determined only by self-interest. It is by nature anarchistic.

Christoffel Wiese
Christoffel Wiese

The agricultural potential of Africa is unlimited.

Christoph Waltz
Christoph Waltz

Our hubris needs to be downsized, thinking that profiteering on Earth, on whatever level - environmentally, economically, culturally - is unlimited and everybody should get as much as he wants or she wants. Humans need to be shrunk again to their actual size.

Christopher A. Wray
Christopher A. Wray

As a profession, we face unlimited threats with limited resources. We face a lack of trust in some of the communities we serve. We face a whole lot of second guessing and criticism about the work we're doing and the way we're doing it.

Chuck Hagel
Chuck Hagel

Well, no American wants to in any way hurt our capabilities to national defense, but that doesn't mean an unlimited amount of money, and a blank check for anything they want at any time, for any purpose. Not at all.

Claire Messud
Claire Messud

For me, the ages between 9 and 12 were great because it was before you wore any masks, and you had some autonomy in the world. You had some freedom, and you felt you had unlimited ambition. It's when you thought, 'I'm going to write plays. I'm going to be president. I'm going to do this; I'm going to do that.' And then it all falls apart.

Daniel Sturridge
Daniel Sturridge

Grooming in football is quite big. I'm somebody that brings my Boss Bottled Unlimited to training or in my washbag, and I've put a few of my teammates onto that.

Daniel Webster
Daniel Webster

An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, the power to destroy.