Al-Waleed bin Talal
Al-Waleed bin Talal

Our Palestinian brethren continue to be slaughtered at the hands of Israelis while the world turns the other cheek.

Alain Dehaze
Alain Dehaze

By strengthening the core of our business and leading in digital innovation, we will accelerate growth, enhance our margin, and deliver increased total shareholder returns.

Alan Cranston
Alan Cranston

Unless you have a sense of values that's shared by people and turns them loose to do certain things on their own within those sets of values, the organization, whether a nation or corporation or citizen group, just doesn't work very well.

Alan Greenspan
Alan Greenspan

The only thing that was economic, I might say, about my music career, aside from the fact that I did everybody's tax returns in the band, was the decision I made to leave the music business on economic grounds.

Alan Rickman
Alan Rickman

I knew with Snape I was working as a double agent, as it turns out, and a very good one at that.

Alan Stern
Alan Stern

If the Pluto mission was a cat, then it would've been dead long ago because they only get nine lives, and we've had significantly more than nine stoppages and odd twists and turns.

Alanis Morissette
Alanis Morissette

When I start writing songs and it turns into an overly belabored intellectual process, I just throw it out.

Albert Brooks
Albert Brooks

All improv turns into anger. All comedy improv basically turns into anger, because that's all people know how to do when they're improvising. If you notice shows that are improvising are generally people yelling at each other.

Albert Maltz
Albert Maltz

Every murder turns on a bright hot light, and a lot of people... have to walk out of the shadows.

Alec Baldwin
Alec Baldwin

Everything that Bush touches turns to manure in public policy.