Sid Waddell
Sid Waddell

It's like trying to pin down a kangaroo on a trampoline.

Steven Tyler
Steven Tyler

I had been on the junior Olympic team in high school for trampoline; I could do twenty-six back flips in a row.

Wesley Morris
Wesley Morris

Part of what's mesmerizing about 'The Mechanics of History' is its physical eloquence - how dancerly it is. The men don't fall; they float. And when the trampoline restores them to the staircase, they move at a half speed. Cinema, they say, is 24 frames per second.

Inside Out
Inside Out

Joy: [Looking over the Memory Dump she's about to fall toward] This is a really bad idea! No, Joy. Think positive...
Joy: I'm positive this is crazy!
[Falls toward a trampoline down below]

Kung Fu Panda
Kung Fu Panda

Shifu: You are not the Dragon Warrior! You will never be the Dragon Warrior until you learn the secret of the Dragon Scroll!
Po: [looking up at the scroll] Oh. So, how does this work, do you have a ladder or a trampoline or something?
Shifu: You think it's that easy, that I'm just going to hand you the secret to limitless power? No!

One must first master the very highest level of kung fu, and that is clearly impossible when that one is someone like you!
Po: Someone like me?
Shifu: Yes! Look at you!
[whacking him]
Shifu: This fat butt! Flabby arms!
Po: Ow! Those are sensitive in the flabby parts.

Shifu: This ridiculous belly!
Po: Hey!
Shifu: And your utter disregard for personal hygiene!
Po: Now wait a minute, that's a little uncalled for!
Shifu: Don't stand that close, I can smell your breath!
Po: Listen, Oogway said that I was...
[Shifu grabs his

Po: The Wuxi finger hold! No, not the Wuxi finger hold!
Shifu: Oh-hoho, you know this hold.
Po: Developed by Master Wuxi in the third dynasty, yes!
Shifu: Oh, then you must know what happens when I flex my pinky...
Po: [gasps] No no no no!

You know the hardest part of this? The hardest part... is cleaning up afterwards.
Po: Okay, okay take it easy...
Shifu: Now listen closely, panda. Oogway may have picked you, but when I'm through, I promise you, you're going to wish he hadn't! Are we clear?
Po: Oh, yeah! We're clear, we're clear, we're so clear!

Shifu: [chuckling] Good. I can't wait to get started.

Moonrise Kingdom
Moonrise Kingdom

Cousin Ben: [walking briskly] Is this him?
Sam: Field Mate Sam Shakusky, Troop 55, resigned.
Cousin Ben: [dramatically] He's hot. Almost too hot. What's in the can?
Redford: $76, but it's mostly in nickels.
Cousin Ben: Give it to me.
[to Sam]
Cousin Ben:

Your badge in seamanship?
Sam: Yes, sir.
Cousin Ben: Good. There's a cold water crabber moored off Broken Rock. The skipper owes me an IOU. We'll see if he can take you on as a claw cracker. It won't be an easy life, but it's better than shock therapy.
Sam: Thank you, sir. By the way, where's the chapel tent?

Cousin Ben: Back there, but the padre's home with the mumps. Why do you ask?
Sam: I want to bring my wife.
Cousin Ben: [stopping abruptly]
Suzy: But we're not married yet.
Cousin Ben: You his girl?
Suzy: Yeah.
Cousin Ben: Technically, I'm

a civil law scrivener. I'm authorized to declare births, deaths, and marriages. You're kind of young. You got a license?
SamSuzy: No.
Cousin Ben: I can't offer you a legally binding union. It won't hold up in the state, the county, or frankly, any courtroom in the world, due to your age, lack of a license, and failure to get

parental consent. But the ritual does carry a very important moral weight within yourselves. You can't enter into the contract lightly. Look into my eyes. Do you love each other?
Suzy: Yes, we do.
Cousin Ben: Think about what I'm saying. Are you sure you're ready for this?
Suzy: Yes, we are.
Cousin Ben:

[to nobody in particular] They're not listening to me. Let me rephrase it.
Suzy: We're in a hurry.
Cousin Ben: Are you chewing gum? Spit out the gum, sister. In fact, everybody.
[collecting up spit out gum]
Cousin Ben: I don't like the snappy attitude. This is the most important decision you've made in your lives. Now

go over by the trampoline and talk it through before you give me another quick answer...

Incredibles 2
Incredibles 2

Helen Parr: [to Violet and Dash as the Underminer attacks the city] Watch after Jack-Jack!
Violet Parr: But I thought we were gonna go and...
Bob Parr: You heard your mother!
[to Helen]
Bob Parr: Trampoline me!
[jumps off of the stretched-out Helen]