Alesha Dixon
Alesha Dixon

As time goes by, we're getting more accepting of the differences between one another - whether it's gay or transgender, whether it's black or white - but there's still a lot of people in the world who don't feel that they can express themselves as they want.

Alex Cox
Alex Cox

Because there is actually something very interesting in Goodfellas, how the style of the film changes as time goes by and based on the mental state of the protagonist.

Brian O'Driscoll
Brian O'Driscoll

The 2001 tour to Australia would have been a great highlight in my career if the Lions had won the series. That might sound strange because it was a great tour in many ways, but, for me, the more time goes by, the less of a career highlight it becomes, and just more of a frustration.

Dag Hammarskjöld
Dag Hammarskjöld

Time goes by, reputation increases, ability declines.

Dana Perino
Dana Perino

I think a lot of women, especially ones that want to achieve career goals, tend to worry. I don't want anyone to worry their life away - time goes by so fast, and worry is really wasted time and energy.

Danny DeVito
Danny DeVito

People come into your lives who you have a good time with, and time goes by and you still have a good time with them and you do stupid stuff with them. To me, that's life.

David Friedman
David Friedman

As time goes by, I realize that I do trust the wind. And I often write my songs for myself.

David Johansen
David Johansen

When you're a kid, you have this feeling like you're indestructible. Your mortality doesn't even occur to you. But as time goes by, you realize, 'I better cut this out or that out if I want to continue to exist.'

David Lowery
David Lowery

Time goes by so slowly when you're a child, and then, as an adult, it goes by in the blink of an eye.

Dion DiMucci
Dion DiMucci

When you're a kid, you get all these rules and regulations coming down on your head. You've got a need to be recognized. But as time goes by, this stuff, if it remains, can kill you. The attitude alone can't sustain anyone forever.