Anthony Fantano
Anthony Fantano

If Death Grips isn't the fourth horseman of a hip-hop apocalypse, its music at least tests the genre's threshold of extremity: The trio's abrasive, jittery style teeters on the edge of palatability, and plays toward a morbid curiosity to which many listeners won't succumb.

Anthony Fauci
Anthony Fauci

You can have an epidemic in a state. You can have it in a region. You can have it in a country where the critical level of disease passes a certain threshold, and we call that an 'epidemic threshold.'

Anthony McCarten
Anthony McCarten

My experience is, the writer I was when I began was only a fraction of what I feel capable of doing now. Don't stand on that threshold saying, 'I'm uncertain about my talent.' You can grow that part of yourself.

Arjun Kapoor
Arjun Kapoor

I have learnt that women are superior beings. They have a higher threshold of pain and are more understanding and accepting than men. Also, if you listen to them, you'll understand them better.

Barton Gellman
Barton Gellman

Unsettling signs of al Qaeda's aims and skills in cyberspace have led some government experts to conclude that terrorists are at the threshold of using the Internet as a direct instrument of bloodshed.

Benjamin Spock
Benjamin Spock

A surprising number of scientific advances have been made and masterpieces of art created by individuals just on the threshold of adulthood.

Bill Gates
Bill Gates

Should surveillance be usable for petty crimes like jaywalking or minor drug possession? Or is there a higher threshold for certain information? Those aren't easy questions.

Carole Radziwill
Carole Radziwill

My threshold for mean gossip is nearly intolerable.

CeeLo Green
CeeLo Green

To lose my mother just as I'm right on the brink of crossing that threshold over into a career, it was pretty compelling. My entire career is my mother's work, for me.

Charles Duhigg
Charles Duhigg

In California, up to 15 percent of wells in agricultural areas exceed a federal contaminant threshold, according to studies.