Anastasia Soare
Anastasia Soare

When I finally came to the United States, I was forced to get a job right away. I spoke no English - none. I started working as an aesthetician in this beautiful boutique salon in Beverly Hills. Being an aesthetician didn't require an elaborate vocabulary in English. My first client was Cindy Crawford! I swear.

Andrea Pirlo
Andrea Pirlo

Swearing's my release. It's the one weapon I have to defend myself against destiny when it elects to strike without pity.

Andy Richter
Andy Richter

I briefly considered doing Edgar Allan Poe and just swearing a lot.

Angie Stone
Angie Stone

I swear by that old expression, 'One monkey don't stop no show!' The reality is, we still have some good men out there, and we should hail those men as the kings they are.

Anne Lamott
Anne Lamott

I have a very dark sense of humor. I swear. I have a very playful relationship with Jesus.

Anya Taylor-Joy
Anya Taylor-Joy

I swear like a sailor.

Chad Gilbert
Chad Gilbert

I swear, all we ever wanted to do was tour outside of Florida.

Chad Gilbert
Chad Gilbert

We walk around Warped Tour all the time and I swear to you, kids are like, 'Hey, that looks like the guy from New Found Glory.'

Cherie Lunghi
Cherie Lunghi

I've got an overactive, analytical brain. I get frustrated, impatient, angry with myself. I swear at myself a lot.

Cheryl Burke
Cheryl Burke

I swear by lash extensions. They cut my makeup routine time in half.