Tippi Hedren
Tippi Hedren

It is up to the public to stop attending these theatrical, and aquatic shows, and circuses with wild animals. The rhetoric about how the animals are happy and well cared for are lies. Don't be swayed by them. The money behind these shows is huge; there is nothing good about them.


The academy which boasts of 6,000 to 8,000 voting members are most likely to get swayed by the national mood in the US. There is a point person for every movie at the Oscars, who is supposed to promote the film and is trusted by the panel. By keeping all these in mind, Tamil cinema making its way to the final list is quite ambitious.

Zach Ertz
Zach Ertz

If you're able to build something on a strong foundation, you're not going to be easily swayed.


[Hunt enters Lauda's garage and sees the extent of the burn injuries to his head]
Niki Lauda: It's that bad, huh?
James Hunt: [Shrugs] No.
Niki Lauda: In hospital, I asked them straight, no bullshit, how bad my appearance would be. They said in time, it would be fine. But it won't.
[Approaches Hunt]

Lauda: I can tell, seeing your reaction. I will spend the rest of my life with a face that frightens people.
James Hunt: You know, Niki, I tried to write you a letter at the time, to apologize. The drivers' meeting in Germany, before the race, I swayed the room.
Niki Lauda: Yes, you did.
James Hunt: That race should

never have gone ahead.
Niki Lauda: No, it shouldn't.
James Hunt: So in many ways, I feel responsible for what happened, and...
Niki Lauda: You were.
Niki Lauda: But trust me... watching you win those races while I was fighting for my life, you were equally responsible for getting me back

in the car.
[Lauda walks away]