
Artie Piscano: They're not gonna make a fool out of me. I write it all down in this book, every fuckin' nickel that goes down. Right here, receipts...
Piscano's Mother: Hey! Oh!
Artie Piscano: Oh sorry.
Piscano's Mother: What's the matter with you?
Artie Piscano: Receipts and bills and

everything's here.
Piscano's Mother: Since when do you talk like that?
Artie Piscano: I'm sorry.
Piscano's Mother: There's a lot of people here.
Artie Piscano: Nance gives me trouble and I'll tell him... screw around with those suitcases and I'll take the eyes out of his frickin' head.

Piscano's Mother: Again!
Artie Piscano: I didn't curse. I said 'frickin' head'.
Piscano's Mother: That's enough.

The Lovely Bones
The Lovely Bones

Jack Salmon: [Jack has invited Grandma Lynn to stay with them for awhile. He brings two suitcases in from her taxi] Is this all there is?
Grandma Lynn: Don't be ridiculous; that's just my makeup.


Max Schumacher: You need me. You need me badly. Because I'm your last contact with human reality. I love you. And that painful, decaying love is the only thing between you and the shrieking nothingness you live the rest of the day.
Diana Christensen: [hesitatingly] Then, don't leave me.
Max Schumacher: It's too late, Diana. There's

nothing left in you that I can live with. You're one of Howard's humanoids. If I stay with you, I'll be destroyed. Like Howard Beale was destroyed. Like Laureen Hobbs was destroyed. Like everything you and the institution of television touch is destroyed. You're television incarnate, Diana: Indifferent to suffering; insensitive to joy. All of life is reduced to the common rubble of banality. War,

murder, death are all the same to you as bottles of beer. And the daily business of life is a corrupt comedy. You even shatter the sensations of time and space into split seconds and instant replays. You're madness, Diana. Virulent madness. And everything you touch dies with you. But not me. Not as long as I can feel pleasure, and pain... and love.
[Kisses her]

Schumacher: And it's a happy ending: Wayward husband comes to his senses, returns to his wife, with whom he has established a long and sustaining love. Heartless young woman left alone in her arctic desolation. Music up with a swell; final commercial. And here are a few scenes from next week's show.
[Picks up his suitcases and leaves]

Bicentennial Man
Bicentennial Man

[Galatea is forcefully throwing large suitcases of equipment onto a stack]
Rupert Burns: Galatea, could you be a little more careful? That's very delicate equipment.
Galatea: [sarcastically] Sorry.
[Galatea picks up another large suitcase and drops it]
Rupert Burns: [shocked] What are you doing?

Galatea: [annoyed] Near as I can tell, your bitch work!
Rupert Burns: My what?
Galatea: [very annoyed] Oh you heard me! And I'm sick of it! All day long it's, "Yes Rupert, sir! No Rupert, sir! Would you like another beverage Rupert sir?" And it chaps my ass! So here's a helpful hint for you: SHUT UP AND LET ME DO MY WORK!

[Galatea menacingly points at Rupert with both robotic index fingers and knocks over the remaining suitcases as Rupert frantically searches his pockets for Galatea's personality chip which Andrew had secretly removed]
Galatea: [casually] I'm done.